Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Obama: The Man Who Never Was!!!


Obama: The Man Who Never Was!!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011 11:01

The Intel Hub
Servando Gonzalez
© 2011. All Rights Reserved.
May 22, 2011

In 1943, the British intelligence implemented Operation Mincemeat, a plan conceived to deceive the Germans and their allies into thinking that the Allied invasion of Sicily, would take place elsewhere. After an extensive search, they found the cadaver of a man and dressed it in a Navy uniform.

Attached to the corpse's left hand was a briefcase containing fake documentation, identifying him as Major William Martin, R.M. The briefcase also contained memos, letters and related documents falsely stating that the Allied invasion force would land in Sardinia and Greece rather than Sicily, the actual point of invasion.

The corpse was secretly dropped in the sea at night from a British submarine not far from Gibraltar, so that the currents would bring "Major Martin" to Spanish shores. As expected, some Spanish fishermen found the body and when the authorities opened the briefcase, they immediately notified their Nazi allies.

The Spanish Intelligence Service passed copies of the papers to the German Intelligence Service who passed them on to their High Command. After looking at the documents — which were real, even though the information they carried was false — they swallowed its content hook, line and sinker. The ruse was so successful that, weeks after the landings in Sicily had begun, the Germans still believed that Sardinia and Greece were the intended objectives and that the guys in Sicily were part of a diversion operation.

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Eventually, the Wall Street bankers and oil magnates who had brought Hitler to power in Germany — most of them members of the Council on Foreign Relations — won WWII. Contrary to common lore, however, its main objective was not rescuing the Jews or liberating Europe, but saving their Nazi friends from justice. The second objective was allowing the Soviet troops to occupy most of Eastern Europe, thus creating the new enemy they needed to substitute Nazi Germany: Soviet communism.

Sixty years later, the same Wall Street bankers and oil magnates who supported Hitler and eventually needed to get rid of the Frankenstein monster they had created, faced a similar problem. Now the CFR conspirators were pushing hard to impose the New World Order upon the American people, and for this final, decisive phase of their plan, they need in the White House a psychopath — a Hitler, a Stalin, a Castro — who cannot sway or hesitate when the time comes for him to take the drastic decisions that this moment will require.

Hillary had already been selected for the job, and was told that she would be the next President of the U.S. during one of the secret meetings where American presidents are tapped on the shoulder: the World Economic Forum she attended in early 1998 in Davos, Switzerland, where she was cheered by the globalist conspirators as a world leader. However, for reasons we can only guess, eventually they changed their minds and decided that she was not the right person for the job and selected Obama.

Probably one of the reasons that tipped the balance in Obama's favor was that he was not born in America, and he profoundly hated everything American, particularly its Constitution and culture. Actually, this was not the first time the globalist conspirators made decisions based on that consideration. Adolf Hitler, who eventually destroyed Germany, was not born in Germany, but in Austria. Fidel Castro, another of their creations, was born in the eastern province of Oriente, and it was known that he hated Havana.

One of the main jobs of every senior CFR member is to recruit agents. As people in the field of intelligence know very well, the best agent is the one who doesn't know (or doesn't want to know) that he has been recruited. CFR members are experts in recruiting ambitious people and pushing them to positions of power. Colonel Edward Mandell House recruited Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt recruited Dwight Eisenhower, and Zbigniew Brzezinski recruited Jimmy Carter. Everything indicates that the CFR conspirators used again their trusted agent Brzezinski to recruit young Barack Obama.

Barack Hussein Obama was perfect for the job. In the first place, he was a pot-smoking nonentity lacking in principles and ethics, not very clever and with an immense ego and ambition. As an added bonus, he exhibited the traits of the psychopathic behavior, a requisite for that type of job. Consequently, the CFR conspirators contacted the CIA, an organization they control, and ordered their secret agents in the Agency to create for their new recruit what in intelligence and espionage is called a "legend."[1]

Therefore, like the British intelligence in WWII, CFR agents at the CIA proceeded to create a man that never was in order to sell it to the self-righteous, naive and gullible American public. To this effect, they falsified Barry Soetoro's documents, including his birth certificate, social security card, school and university records, and places of residence. Of course, things like high school and college records are very difficult to falsify, because eventually somebody is going to check them against the original documents. Consequently, they froze Obama's records to keep them out of the hands of researchers.

However, they cannot modify student yearbooks, because there are hundreds of copies in libraries and private hands. Barack Hussein Obama does not appear in any of the yearbooks of the learning institutions of which he claims to have graduated, nor do any former classmate seems to remember him.



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