Monday, May 23, 2011

Brainwashed by religious rituals.

Long ago I heard that a person will have the most friends if he or she
never discusses these two subjects: religion and politics. Now, it
seems that those two subjects are so intertwined that no 'possible'
candidate for public office can have even a hope of winning an
election unless such has made a strong commitment to support the
religious doctrine of the sought-after voters, or to support the…
'planks' of either the Republicans or the Democrats. In short, most
in-the-mold candidates have already SOLD their souls to the failed
rituals of Washington, before the first campaign speeches have been

While most Americans go-out-of-their-way to give Muslims 'their
space', few of those same Americans will deny the clear threat—both to
US security, and to World Peace—that the billion plus Muslims pose to
the world. Are all Muslims bad people? Of course not! *** The
likely reason Muslims represent such a threat to the world is due to
their over zealousness to conform to the RITUALS spelled out in the
largely out-of-date Koran, i.e., it never has been updated to be apt
to modern times. When the latter was written, there was no media and
no organizational structures to define who "the believers" are. To
help establish easy identity, a ritual, for example, required men to
participate in over-ordered, daily prayers. And it required that
married women wear burkes. In that era of barbarism, such highly-
covering garments probably offered some protection from being raped.

Most of the severe punishments for breaking Muslims' religious rules
was to force conformity to those rules, not to maim or to kill as many
people as possible. Romans dreamed up crucifixion, not so much for
inhumanely torturing and killing as many people as possible, but to
force conformity to their mandated-by-force-of-arms regulations. In a
somewhat similar way, my New Constitution will force public officials
to conform, because such document will hang for treason any of their
number who advocate an even vaguely socialistic or communist policy in
government. They must swear, on penalty of death, to agree to and to
uphold this sentence: "Fair play and democracy shall have supremacy in
the USA!". Socialism and communism aren't fair! It is my hope that
most public officials will conform, and few will need to be hanged.

Barack Obama, our deluded Manchurian Candidate "president", wishes to
align himself with the massive number of Muslim, "world order"
voters. He supposes that the lesser number of Jewish voters can be
sacrificed so that the majority of disadvantaged people in the world
will be inspired to vote for him, Barack Obama, the obvious anti-
Christ. My own, earlier-proposed solution to the problems with Israel
is simply to create an architectural master plan that has LAYERED
ownership of property that's not tied to the 'footprint' of the bounds
of the land—but rather is deeded much like a high-rise condominium.
There can be layered roads and walkways as well, so that there is no
"forced" interaction between Jews and Muslims. The resulting
courtyards can become beautiful gardens that attract more tourists.

The most direct route to world peace is for Israel to ADMIT that they
took the territory of others without just compensation. The crying
need of Muslims, who have been slighted far too often, is to be taught
how to live, work, survive and prosper in a FAIR capitalist economy!
Because few in the world understand capitalism better than Jews, it
should be the responsibility of the Jewish Nation of Israel to become
a learning center for those of all faiths for the purpose of fostering
business development and capitalism. Where there are now deserts—
which aren't too conducive to having compassionate people living
thereon—there could be green forests, sustained by weather-control
technology that can gradually reclaim the Sahara, and other arid
areas, for a higher level human habitation as well as prosperity. But
such technology can't be applied if the citizens of those arid nations
are militant toward receiving outside help. Israel must set the right

The UK was wise to enact laws aimed at preventing Muslim or other
religious from concentrating in enclaves. The wearing of burkes, or
even scarves on the head, is a statement saying: "I am in lock-step
with the teachings of my religion, and anyone who is otherwise is my…
enemy." *** In all of world history, nothing has been more hurtful to
more people than organized religions! They are the most divisive and
wasteful institutions ever conceived! As with Muslims, Catholics have
their "conformity rituals", such as the attending of morning masses;
playing with their prayer beads; going to confessions; wearing lacy
scarves; and lighting prayer candles. Catholics are, in fact, so
overly indoctrinated, that they know less about the Bible from first-
hand reading and analysis than those of, say, the Protestant
religions. A major indication of their naïveté is Catholics' crusades
to see, for example, frescoes that… "cry", or other links to their
near idolatry of the Virgin Mary.

Recently, when Pope John Paul II was Beatified, over a million of the
vacuous faithful showed up—as if their attendance at such an event
would surely guarantee a higher position in heaven. I had the same
sort of feeling seeing the ¾ million who showed up in Washington
8/18/2010 to attend Glenn Beck's religious crusade.

I admire Pope John Paul II for saying the following (I paraphrase):
"It is STEALING for an employer to pay wages that are lower than the
value of the work that the employees do; and it is STEALING for
employees to demand and get (to blackmail, as by labor unions), wages
that are in excess of the value of the work they produce." That same
principle of FAIRNESS is at the heart of my New Constitution! Since
socialism pays people for work not performed, that is STEALING, and is
thus unconstitutional! Don't people realize that if they support a
Democratic 'plank' favoring socialism or communism, that they are
aiding and abetting crimes? What about "Thou shall not steal!" do you
leftist, liberal 'progressives' not understand?

I was both heartened and disheartened by the declared candidacy of
that dignified Black, Herman Cain. On the night of the SC debate, I
was inadvertently preoccupied with making my (yes, ritualistic)
replies on these news groups. So, I missed the debate that I had
wanted to hear. Later, I heard excerpts of Cain's replies and was
impressed. His appealing to the "Tea Party" is of little importance.
But his appealing to doing morally correct things is VERY important!
Do the latter and government will start being run more cost effectively
—which is morally correct!

Cain erred when he cited correcting the decline in our religious
values as the first tine in his three-prong goals for improving this
country. Commentators, later, said that Cain will appeal to
evangelicals. When Cain, consciously, tries to appeal to any 'group',
that amounts to the damnable continuation of the same group-against-
group divisiveness that is sure to destroy this country. My New
Constitution says: "1st Amendment: No law shall be made regarding the
establishment of peaceable religion or prohibiting the free exercise
thereof, but government, its campaigns, processes, slogans, and
disbursements shall be secular." The USA shall never make the mistake
of having our government be associated with evangelicals, nor any
religion whatsoever! Don't Muslims already have enough reasons to
hate us without our being just another "Jew-like" enemy of theirs?

As George Carlin knew, and Bill Maher knows, religions make little
practical sense. Wouldn't the world have been better served if the
hundreds of millions of dollars wasted on constructing the Vatican,
and filling it with gold-encrusted artwork, had, instead, been spent
on correcting the energy deficiency that caused North African
countries to deplete organic matter, which, in turn, allowed the
Sahara to triple in size in half a century? Wouldn't the world have
less hunger and starvation? Can anyone JUSTIFY any religion, Judaism
included? If so, then give it your best shot!

I am a fan of Franklin Graham. He travels the globe (as his church)
looking for ways of improving the world condition. That is the type
of labor that Jesus Christ would sanction—not the labor of
constructing gold-domed mosques, or tall-steepled churches, wherein,
those who join are brainwashed into believing that they're the chosen
group that's best positioned to be going to Heaven; and all others are
their enemies. As was evinced in the movie '2012', I don't recommend
running into any religious edifice as a protection, or as proof of
one's suitability for salvation. I hope Herman Cain, who happens to
look like Danny Glover, has a better fate. *** His "outsider-to-
government" image will be best served if he will REJECT the entire,
unconstitutional, primary system. By running as an independent, I can
assure you that the "mad as hell and not going to take this anymore"
crowd, in sufficient numbers, will be able to locate his name on the
ballot come election day.

Sometime in August, Glenn Beck is going to Israel hoping he can have
another 8/18 type event—this time on the world stage. Don't put your
money on that man. Put your money on every individual in the world
(except, perhaps, the psychotic mass murderers) having value in the
overall scheme of things. As is explained in my little book, 'The
Shortest Distance; Harmony Through Prosperity'—when individuals give
their due and get their due, the world will start being a better
place. No government edicts will be needed, nor any crusades having
to be fought. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!";
"Love thy neighbor as thyself!"; and "Pay it forward!", practically
speaking, are about as much 'religion' as the world needs. I hope
Franklin Graham will agree.

Respectfully submitted,

— John A. Armistead — Patriot

AKA NoEinstein on Google's news group sci.physics.

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