Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Re: Wringing-the-Neck of Empty Ritual.

OK, MJ. We'll make you President for a day. Since you like to yell
all the time, not one reader in a thousand takes you seriously about
anything. Why do you YELL, MJ? Is that because you are ear deaf to
anything logical that is said? Ha, ha, HA! — J. A. Armistead —
On Apr 19, 8:46 am, MJ <> wrote:
> Another ad nauseam approach?
> Let's see, where was that -- aaah, here:1. Get our government out of the entitlement business! Privatize
> Social Security; Medicare; Medicaid; and Unemployment Insurance, etc.
> Like the Republicans are now planning to do, protect those now in
> programs from being hurt who are close to retirement. But unlike
> Republicans, once and forever, get the USA out of managing the
> entitlement business! If government pulls any of the strings, things
> will start getting bad again, soon.Please explain how one privatizes Social Security -- or why such needs to be privatized.
> Similarly, do the SAME for Medicare/Medicaid, etc.
> These unconstitutional programs should be abolished.2. Inform China and our other creditors that the USA will not be
> paying them any interest on their loans. We will repay the principal,
> but only when doing so won't jeopardize our recovery.Will have to consider what the unintended consequences might entail ...3. Bring home 90% of US troops within 90 days. Leave 10% of the
> troops in bases around the world to serve as a front guard in case
> redeployment is necessary.What happened to that Constitution thingy? Bring home 100% of the troops ... 90 days may work. Dismantle theunconstitutionalstanding army OR pass an amendment to keep it. IMMEDIATELY slash the so-called 'defense' budget by at least half -- further cuts to follow.4. Stop wasting billions and billions of dollars on political
> campaigns! That money is going into the pockets of the media. Those
> media rascals salivate over the ad money they generate by "talking up"
> how 'close' the elections are going to be. Britt Hume, though a
> conservative, keeps pumping air into Obama by talking about the money
> Obama can spend (waste!) to get re elected. Barack Obama is a cash
> cow for the media. That's why no one in the media will call the
> majority of Democrats CROOKS!<sigh>
> Government should spend ZERO on campaigns.
> Individuals (and their created groups, etc.) have the freedom and liberty to spend as many dollars as they desire.
> Remove the ability for Politicians to peddle pull (ie. follow the constitution as written) and you eliminate the bulk. If Archer Daniels Midland, for instance, does not reap zillions in subsidies and other advantages (read: regulations), they are unlikely to be concerned with pumping millions into various campaigns. If they receive nothing, who cares if they continue to give millions.5. 'Fat cats' should stop being wimps! Government has become no-
> longer-legal STEALING from the supposed rich to give to the poor. The
> Democrats talk about how Republicans are wanting to give tax breaks to
> the wealthy while denying women medical screenings. Republicans
> should be talking about how "Democrats are criminals for seeking
> stolen benefits for themselves and other criminals!"That you fail to realize that Ds and Rs are effectively the same is troubling.
> The Income Tax should be abolished (thus ending the bulk of the class warfare). Required dollars should be apportioned between the Sovereign States -- with the States paying from dollars they raise as they choose (50 of them in competition for Citizens) coupled with an across-the-board 3% tariff. No borrowing is permissible EXCEPT for cash flow needs UNLESS War (in accordance with AIS8C11) and then all extra proceeds go ONLY to that cause.1. The Constitution does NOT allow political parties! Those arequasi governmental bodies which get to decide who our candidates for
> public office can be, and decide who "the leaders" in Congress are.
> Because our country was conceived as a Representative Republic, such
> fact tacitly mandates that each representative shall have identical
> power! Seniority nor party affiliation can give more power to ANYONE!The Constitution *does* allow Congress to make its OWN rules. Additionally PEOPLE will organize into various factions (which is their liberty to do so).
> What is needed, rather, is to eliminate the various CAMPAIGN and ELECTION laws -- which have zero Constitutional basis -- which enable the Duopoly to maintain their positions.2. The US Senate is an UNCONSTITUTIONAL oligarchy of elitists who
> effectively have been running-the-USA-into-the-ground since the birth
> of this nation. Senators aren't determined by having a parity of the
> population which they each serve. Though the Senate was begrudgingly
> included in the 'words' of the Constitution, it has never been within
> the SPIRIT of the Constitution!Huh? The Senate served as the Representatives of the States -- you know, those parties to the Constitution? Those parties that put it into effect? Those parties charged with the power/authority to amend that agreement?
> Amendment 17 (which is unconstitutional per Article V -- 10 states have STILL not ratified) should be rescinded/repealed/abolished.
> This STATE check against Federal usurpation (along with others) need to be restored.3. The principle of FAIR representation makes it UNCONSTITUTIONAL to
> allow the State of Iowa to have more "power" in determining who our
> candidates for President can be. And by the same general reasoning,
> it makes the entire primary system UNCONSTITUTIONAL, because the
> states with earlier-dated primaries always have the most influence in
> determining who can run.Again, this is part and parcel to the Election/Campaign laws which maintain the Duopoly along with the ability of Politicians to peddle pull.
> Having some utopian same date primary changes neither.
> The underlying idea of the system was to have the House choose the President from the 'search committee' provided by the various State Legislature chosen electors (remember those States who are party to that Constitution thingy). By choosing two, it was expected that the Electors would NEVER reach the required majority.
> ADDITIONALLY, having the top two vote getters (presumably persons with DIFFERENT ideals/positions) restores yet ANOTHER check eliminated.4. Political party conventions are UNCONSTITUTIONAL, because those
> are "governed" by the unsanctioned and UNCONSTITUTIONAL rules of the
> UNCONSTITUTIONAL political parties!This is nonsensical.
> Again, your problem *is* and *remains* that unconstitutional Election/Campaign laws have been made. There are no 'Federal' Elections. The ONLY thing the Congress *is* charged with concerning such is that they may set a uniform date as to when the Electors are to be chosen and other time/dates associated with those electors.5. The principle of fairness makes it UNCONSTITUTIONAL to allow any
> individual or group to have more influence on the outcome of an
> election or referenda than one-person-one vote. That criminalizes
> entertainment or media celebrities who use their influence to garner
> votes for any candidate. And it makes any groupsuch as labor unions
> who seek more 'power' than could ever be manifested by just their
> members' votes, criminals. Labor unions and other unconstitutional
> group influences, effectively, have been blackmailing candidates by
> implying… "You vote for 'us' or you won't get elected." Since the
> latter is a SUBVERSION of the Constitution that shifts the par of
> power away from individuals and toward specific groups, the leaders of
> such groups are guilty of TREASON!More nonsensical bullshit.
> As noted previously, Government becomes important SOLELY because Government has dictated rules, regulations, advantage, etc. which people seek to influence. It is GOVERNMENT which should be prohibited (which they largely are already according to the Constitution as written) from providing advantage to some at the expense of everyone else (which LIMITS Government to securing the (natural) right of ALL <period>). As long as the Government provides advantage, people will be trying to influence that process.6. The principle of fairness makes it UNCONSTITUTIONAL to give equal
> time to discuss any socialist idea! Since socialism and communism
> aren't fair, then it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL to allow democrats to
> represent anyone in Congress!Who is 'giving' this equal time? Individuals may do with their property as they choose -- if they wish to shout 'socialism' and 'communism', such is most certainly their prerogative.
> It is not 'unconstitutional' for the (socialist) democrats to represent anyone any more than the (socialist) republicans.
> <snip> too much deluded sillinessSection 9 & 10: Other than the President or his...
> read more »

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