Wednesday, April 13, 2011

**JP** How Stupid About Libyan Human Shield

Friday, April 8, 2011

Surprise! The Pentagon and the U.S. mainstream "news" they control roll out the "human shields" stories in an Arab country we're bombing, just like clockwork!

YouTube: search "Libya Human Shields"

Google: search "Libya Human Shields"

Search Big Dan's Big Blog for: "human shields" and find my posts pointing out the propaganda "human shields" stories over the years.

Aren't they in their OWN country, and we are in THEIR country bombing them? Regardless of if there's "human shields"...which isn't true anyway? How can we go into a country, bomb them, and say when we kill their children and civilians: "Well...they used them as 'human shields', so we're absolved!"? As if we should be able to bomb them and they shouldn't have "human shields"...HOW DARE THEY! When did this become acceptable, to kill children and civilians, because they're using them as "human shields"? Then it's "OK" to keep bombing? It's bullshit! We're killing their children and civilians and they AREN'T using them as "human shields"! They say this EVERY TIME!

Here we go with the "human shields" bullshit...again...prepping us so that when we murder civilians and children in Libya, it's because Ghaddafi used them as "human shields". See: we NEVER kill children and civilians in Arab countries (it's only ARAB countries btw), THEY kill them by putting them in the way of OUR bombs when we bomb them in THEIR country:

Click here:
Here's FOX "news" lying about a "human shields" story - by the way, notice the FOX "reporter" says Ghadaffi began "firing on us". Ummm...isn't he in HIS country, and YOU are in HIS country? wtf? It's not like you're in New York and Ghadaffi is bombing you where you live...YOU'RE IN FUCKING LIBYA! ASSHOLE! "Ghadaffi's bombing me! Waaaaaaah! Oh, yeah: I'm in Libya, I forgot...he's actually where he lives, and I'm not..."

Click here:
And don't think I like CNN, they're in on it, too.'s a CNN newsman saying FOX "made up" a "human shields" story about HIM...what does that tell you about the "human shields" stories in general:

Click here:

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