Monday, April 4, 2011

IIs something wrong with Politics?

If we look back in history, we not only realize we don't have the
first democracy but that the others failed. Why does that happen and
is it happening to us now?

After all, everyone feels contempt or resentment towards
"politicians", especially those in Congress. Yet, the public keeps
voting for them. Could the problem be that the wrong people are voted
in because the people are not capable of dealing with the country's

It can be said that the problem is that politics is corrupt. We know
it is, but then why is the public unable to find enough honest,
uncorruptable people to represent them? Is it because the whole moral
fabric of our society is in decine? Older people can all remember
when they never locked the doors to their house. It was safe to go
camping deep in the forests and to pick up hitch hikers.

Our nation did not start out as a democracy. It started out as a
republic. People who were respected were voted into office and they
then ran things. Only later on had the concept taken hold that the
people should make all the decisions.

But when the public is divided into hostile camps and honesty is rare
in both, we have an explanation of why democratic governments become
inefficient, wasteful, and in many ways, unable to get done what needs
to be done.

One thing might be said about good leadership, that is that it is
often best not to say what the intent is. It is better sometime to do
what the public does not want the leader to do because, later on the
leadership will have succeeded and the public conviently forgetful it
was wrong and wanted the wrong thing.

I look back into history and I see all kinds of political systems.
They seem to evolve from one to the next in long cycles. There is no
honest conclusion one can draw from that other than that there is no
such thing as a better system or the best one. They change, they come
and go, all as needed. Even through the long centuries in which the
West was run by kings, it might be fair to take a moment and realize
that most of them did a good job.

I suspect that might well explain why so many people go google over
Royalty and over the coming British heir's wedding. . . could there
be a subconscious yearning for "the good old days?" :?: :D

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