Thursday, March 17, 2011

Will the US Government Protect Us From Radiation?

Will the US Government Protect Us From Radiation?
Posted by Anthony Gregory on March 16, 2011 04:35 PM

You mean, when its not busy radiating its own subjects, and getting the radiation measurements off by a factor of 10? I wouldn't count on it. But notice the bizarre take on this by the US. Like everyone else, the government does not actually know the full scope of a disaster, yet it pretends to. It lies to us and says everything is fine when there is likely problem, as with the TSA pornoscanners, the state's torture-war regime and its world-threatening inflation and deficits.  It lies to us and says we had better panic when there are a few sick pigs or birds in another part of the world. It tells us to beware Saddam's weapons of mass destruction but to love and be proud of its own unspeakably obscene nuclear arsenal, one that Washington holds over the head of all the world's people. I am not absolutely sure how much nuclear power a free market would bear. But I do know that the US has tens of thousands of nukes with no purpose other than mass murder, nukes that could be set off by one determined and insane president or through a series of human errors. And so the state irradiates us and says don't worry about it, borrows trillions on our behalf and says it is saving us from economic calamity, imprisons millions to keep "law and order," slaughters hundreds of thousands in the name of peace, and puts a microscope to our every move in the name of fighting for our freedom. In the wake of the latest catastrophe, will the state protect us? As I asked on LRC a few years back, does it ever?

Thanks to Manuel Lora for the news story.

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