Thursday, March 17, 2011

Re: Wringing-the-Neck of Empty Ritual.

As usual, "no specifics are open for discussion." What an ego this guy has. Mustn't let anyone ask any questions. His head might explode.
On 03/16/2011 11:53 AM, NoEinstein wrote:
Folks:  The vast majority of the still apt portions of our original Constitution remains within my New Constitution.  Issues relating to having government be deferential to the people, and placing reasonable limits of the type and scope of the laws that may be passed, is the subject of much that I have expanded on in my New Constitution.  I've placed great importance on seeing to it that the corruption in government—state, local and federal—which I have observed first hand, shall never again negatively impact any law-abiding citizen.  There are dozens of well-defined, unconstitutional acts by government employees or elected officials that will either get the persons fired or sent to prison.  Working for government, even for the President, is not a license to violate laws, or to have privileges that good citizens don't have.  Other than my eliminating the unconstitutional (in the SPIRIT) US Senate, and excluding 'career politicians', lobbyists and elitist media from ever setting foot in the Capital, the changes in the daily operation of government won't be too obvious to most Americans.  Not specifically written into the New Constitution, I am personally recommending that Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and Unemployment Insurance ALL be privatized—while continuing to "cover" only those older or sicker people who have no other means of surviving or of getting first rate care.  When most taxes and restrictions on the FAIR operation of businesses in this country have been removed, the US economy will experience a BOOM so large, that most people will be making enough money (Prosperity!) to provide for their own futures without needing to look to government for any handouts.  The next sentence will assure that socialism—now closely associated with the Democratic Party—will never again influence any future action taken by government: "Fair play and democracy shall have supremacy in the USA!"  Those in government employment must swear, on penalty of death, to agree with that one sentence and to act accordingly. Democrats, who consistently want better things without requiring any work on their part, must learn that they will get no more free lunches or free medical care.  It is my sincere hope that the hard-core 40% of socialist democrats in this country will realize that they will be far better off working in an efficient capitalist economy than from continuing to seek government-doled, socialist mediocrity.  I invite the readers to comment on the general people-oriented-tone of my document.  *** However, no specifics are open for discussion. *** — John A. Armistead —  Patriot 
On Mar 15, 9:36 pm, NoEinstein <> wrote: 
Folks:  I've now presented over 50% of my New Constitution.  That, plus the following, should give you a good idea of the love and devotion I've put into this long project.  My efforts, aided by computer, exceed the combined total time spent by the actual contributers to writing the original Constitution by a factor of ten. At each step, I asked myself what the Founding Fathers would say.  I'd bet they are happy people!  "Article VI:  Section 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5:  Laws in effect at the time of the adoption of this New Constitution shall remain in effect while such are systematically reviewed, debated and revoted in the House.  Whether for the revoting of existing laws and regulations or for new bills, early and conspicuous public notice in the media shall invite Public input.  Bills passing without broad and substantiated Public input, especially by those law-abiding Citizens most affected by the legislation, shall not become laws.  The House shall make new laws and define procedures for implementing this New Constitution.  Federal functions to be returned to local or state governments shall be phased out gradually and considerately for those to be displaced or relo- cated.  Under this New Constitution the future state taxes of Citizens or businesses, typically, shall not exceed their com-bined former total of state and federal taxes.  At any level of services provided, streamlining government and minimizing bureaucracy via wise laws shall always be primary goals.      Local, state and federal law enforcement, the courts, or any branch or branches of the military or their respective parts shall at no time be used in support of corruption in government by any public official(s) at any level.  Legal authority of law enforcement or the courts over the Citizens is voided if used in support of corruption. Local, state and federal law en-forcement agencies shall not be organizationally affiliated, and persons or groups, therein, shall not be presumed by law enforcement to be acting lawfully solely because of such auspices.      All local, state and federal officer holders and employees—upon taking office or assuming employment—shall take the following oath: "I, (Name), promise to serve and be deferential to the People, and to be unbiased toward any group with a pro democracy, pro fairness ideology.  I swear to honor and uphold the full civil rights of the citizens, as guaranteed by the Constitution, and I shall expect my coworkers and superiors to do the same.   I understand that my employment in or by government is conditional upon my adherence to this oath."   No employee nor office holder shall be sanctioned for making complaints against another office holder, employee or superior.  No government employee nor office holder shall be coerced into wrongdoing, immoral action or non action, or illegality by a real or implied threat of the loss of one's job, promotion or benefits, nor by any bribe or promise of promotion or benefits.   Making such a threat, bribe or promise is a felony carrying a minimum ten year prison sentence—and if part of a pattern—making such threats, bribes or promises is treason.  Acqui-escing to such is a felony.  Government officials, agents or employees who become aware of corruption in government or in any of its departments shall notify the Executive Branch and the courts; willful failure to do so is a felony.  With impunity, a government officer(s) or employee(s) shall enforce no law nor perform any order or directive which violates their personal moral conscience or their oath.      Local governments shall have 10 or more councilmen or a direct vote of the People is required to pass ordinances or raise taxes. Upon request by the Executive or 1/5 of the larger governing body, federal, state or local law making authority shall defer to the People on controversial issues where the Will of the People is in doubt.  No law nor previous or subsequent vote on any issue shall usurp the right of an informed Public to decide controversial issues in direct referenda; the vote for passage shall be 60%.  The apt macro-Will of the People in elections or referenda, as manifested by their votes, shall take precedence over any contrary existing or subsequent law, governmental hierarchy or judicial ruling.  Because conditions change, older laws aren't necessarily the Will of the People.      Laws shall be concise and well defined.  If—due to brevity, simplicity or lack of foresight, etc.—such laws have consequences outside the intended or implied scope, for justice and expediency, a judge may decree rightful, specific exceptions without new legislation.  Only laws, rules, regulations and procedures that are in the best interest of the People and the world environment shall be passed, enacted or enforced, and no business contrary to such shall be allowed to prosper.  No business, organization nor alliance shall use their auspices to sway the House for selfish gain.  No business shall exist that uses computer invasion to coerce sales or to monitor others— regardless of any disclaimer or pact.  There shall be no discrimination against any law-abiding Citizen, business or organization due to arbitrary categorization.  No public nor private regulation shall require disclosure of a person's stand or vote on any issue which might cause them discrimination.  Laws shall respect the People's diverse mores without setting arbitrary social standards.  No government shall criminalize behavior that the Public considers to be innocuous, or is macro-typical, or where government isn't being deferential to the Public; nor shall they: prosecute victimless crimes other than gross reckless endangerment; restrict the freedoms of Citizens through oppressive laws and procedures; enact laws too broad in scope to address narrow issues; pass laws disallowing any reasonable criminal defense, or solely at a bureau's request; selectively or inequitably enforce any laws; impose unfair, drastically different punishments due to one's sex, race, color, creed or age; nor sentence someone differ-ently due to their having a prior criminal record.  An arresting officer may reverse such with impunity at any time, regardless of the forms, procedures or processes begun. The arrested person shall be freed and the record expunged.  Agreeable restitution to crime victims may, at their option, substitute for the apt trial.  Section 6, 7, 8 & 9:  Governments shall regulate no businesses nor professions on the presumption that only governments have the best interest of the Public at heart.  Businesses or professions meeting licensing standards germane to the type and scope of work such perform, and being regularly apprised of substantive new developments, may control their own work without governmental sanction, nor, once licensed, being required to be other than self-trained to maintain continuing competency for doing safe work within their chosen type. Professionals qualified by training, testing and experience who perform safe and acceptable work within an area of their competency shall not be sanctioned for being unlicensed in another job class or licensing jurisdiction—beyond fair registration cost.  No more than 25% of regulatory board members shall have been employed in the profession or industry regulated.      Businesses and professions shall be fair to their employees and to their customers.  The wages, benefits and perks, as well as the charges that are made for goods and services, shall not be discriminatory nor exploitive of any person, group nor class, nor shall such be overly influenced by the profit motive of those who perform no actual work on an ongoing basis.  Fair and honest business practices require that management be forthright with employees and customers without coercion.      No person nor small group, within government or without, shall have the power to limit a law-abiding Citizen from pressing charges or suing—collectively, whenever possible—for any wrong doing to themselves or on behalf of a close relative or significant other whose mistreatment, injury or death, also, negatively impacts such party.      Articles, Sections and Amendments to this New Constitution—both herein before and after—are immutable except by the People.  The original Constitution and previous or subsequent laws by local, state, or federal governments shall not diminish this New Constitution or any of its parts; nor shall any judge or justice diminish this document through the interpretation of details, as such shall be subordinate to the spirit of this document and to the absolute right and power of the People to be contented with their leaders, their laws and with their governments."  — John A. Armistead —  Patriot    On Mar 13, 11:51 am, NoEinstein <> wrote:        
Folks:  As closely as possible, following the outline of our original Constitution, is the attached Article from my New Constitution.: 
"Article V: 
Section 1, 2 & 3:  Whenever 50% of the House deems necessary, the House may propose amendments to the New Constitution, or call a convention for proposing amendments; such may be ratified in a one day, direct referendum of the People of all the states and territories, provided 60% of the registered voters who vote concur.      The New Constitution and laws and treaties made under the authority of the United States shall be the supreme law of the land, and judges in every state shall be bound thereby.  Nothing in a state constitution can be to the contrary.  Before taking a public office or job, representatives, members of the legislatures, all executive and judicial officers—of the United States and of the several states and local governments—and all employees of those who regularly 

Q: What do you call 1,000 Republican politicians chained together with 1,000 Democrat politicians at the bottom of the ocean? A: A good start.

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