Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The big oil lie

There's 500 years worth of oil in Alaska.
There's a 1,000 years of oil in shale in Colorado.
Indemonstrable absolute BS.

The facts:

If they haven't found that much oil in all the 10's of thousands of
wells they've already drilled, they aren't going to find those kind of
reserves there either.
If the US had used oil from Texas as a singular source, Texas oil
would have long ago been bone dry.
And people back then thought Texas and Pennsylvania oil would have
been enough not for 500 years, but enough for the US forever.

The long strategy (shhhh, keep it quiet dummy):

If the US was to drill and use all that oil up, then we would truly be
hostages of mid-east oil.
However if the world uses all the mid-east oil up first, then we still
have those reserves because we practiced something called

Conservatives would recognize the word conservation if they weren't so

Are you willing to turn the natural beauty of America and turn it into
a strip mine/ oil derrick laden landscape so that you can save .50
cents at the pump, make few people super rich, and risk your grand
children being held hostage by mid-east oil later?

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