Monday, February 21, 2011

Re: The Tea Party is it a real party? No

Hey keith
I  understand what you are saying but with a true canidate you cannot be counted on as a party to help anybody all you can do is hurt the already damaged syetem by replacing crooks with crooks again  i say unless we take away theirpower the government to stay rthe full term we have no power and  the Tea Party will be replacing all the time . Thinlk about this    If you had a job for 2 or 4 years where no one could fire you and you were making over 150000.00 a year plus exspences and of course your bribes from the lobbist what would do ?  You would do whatever you want .  Most would . So you see what i mean I am not again the Tea party but they cannot be counted as help they are a  hinderance to a new true party .
Thanks for reading
On Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 10:39 AM, Keith In Köln <> wrote:
Hey Rory!
I concede that the Tea Party is not perfect, but I think the intent, from its inception, was and continues to be quite honorable. 
"Limited Government";  a return to, and a demand of those elected to adhere to the Constitution;  and a responsible, fiscally conservative economic policy.
It remains to be seen whether the Tea Party will be totally successful, but there is no doubt that the Tea Party has already made an inpact.  There are a number of things that have already happened that five years ago I would have bet a dollar and a beer we would have never seen. 

For instance, when the people of the United States stood up and demanded that the Congress not allow for amnesty of illegal immigrants some three or four years ago, when that legislation was damn near a shoo-in.  The fact that the majority of those who voted for socialized medicine against their consituency's wishes, were swiftly dismissed from office, and look what is going on in Ohio, Wisconsin,  Florida, Tennessee,  and other states with the public servants who are way overpaid and receive a benefit package that exceeds most all of the private sector's benefit packages.   The majority of Americans are saying, "ENOUGH"! 
I do agree that the Tea Party is not perfect, in a number of different ways, but I do believe that in general, the Tea Party is accomplishng the goals that it was intended for.
As far as the two party political system goes, here in the United States,  well,  a subject for another time, but I think there is a divergence of opinion here.
The Republican Party, (just like the Democratic Party)  is made up of a coalition or consortium of different groups,  and in order for the Republican Party to continue to make inroads, there has to be some issues that are put on the "Back Burner"  that many would like to see made a reality. 
To classify "conservatives" as, "Republicans" is misplaced.  There are at least four or five broad classifications of voter types that usually vote Republican; a coalition if you will; and  some of these group's beliefs obviously overlap.  I admit that I am stereotyping here but to make my point, here by example are those types of groups that generally form the coalition for the Republican Party to be successful:

The "Social Conservatives", or "traditionalists"; sometimes unflatteringly referred to as the  "fundamentalist religious zealots"; of which family, church and community are their most important issues;
The "Economic Conservatives"; who view nature as actually benign, encouraging individualism, experimentation, and entrepreneurship;
The "Libertarians"; or "Constitutionalists; who in general look for a strict adherence to the Constitution, and a very limited, restricted government;
The "Fatalists"; or, (again for lack of a better term) the "NeoCons"; (and I detest that term, because by definition, all "NeoCons" are former Democrats) who generally believe in a strong central government, with a "Federalist" perspective. 
In general,  the Tea Party embraces many of the aforementioned traits, and thus, the reason that most Tea Partiers end up identifying with the Republican Party.   The Republican Party Leadership must return to and once again advocate the "Conservative-Libertarian-Constitutionalist" values that were so successful, and of which Ronald Reagan championed and advocated back in the 1980s.   I believe that you are going to see another house cleaning in 2012, on both sides of the aisle, and a return to these conservative libertarian principles in the next 18-24 months, which still allows for and respects those Traditionalist/Social Conservative values and champions fiscal responsibility and the principles of the Economic Conservatives.

On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 9:38 PM, robert prezioso <> wrote:
I see some of your point but the two party system is destorying our country and aslong as you keep replace rep  and dem with the same you are not improving this government . Are these so called new people will to give up their 150000.00 plus salary to really help the people of course not . How many of these tea party people came to the reception give for them by the tea party not many . Once these fools are in they cannot be fired  so they will not do what you want and the last time I cahecked red and blue make green and that is all they are about until we are able to control them again.  The Tea Party is justreplace one crook with another  without even athought what they are doing.
Thanks for  debate

On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 4:59 PM, Keith In Köln <> wrote:
Hello Rory!
I maybe have a different perspective....I think maybe Bruce might agree with me to a degree.
It's my belief that the Tea Party is really a majority of Americans, from all walks of life, and crossing racial, ethnic, economic, and politcal party lines.
The mainstream media, the Republican Party, and most especially those who hold very far left of center viewpoints, predominately from the Democratic Party have done everything within their power to portray the Tea Party movement as something far different.  Something sinister, crazed, and not at all what the majority of Americans are really demanding, which is a return to a fiscally conservative government that abides by the Constitution of the United States, secures its borders and guarantees the ability for a thriving free market economy. 
The Tea Party, in my humble opinion was never designed or intended to be a political party per-se.   The Tea Party was meant only to sweep those politicans who are not receptive to this Nation's demands, from office.  
Again, in my humble opinion, I don't think we have seen the last of this movement, nor the last of a house cleaning in Washington and other State legislations.     

On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 2:58 PM, THE ANNOINTED ONE <> wrote:
It is a loose knit group of like minded middle class people that
simply want a return to a Constitutional Republic.

The winners are, Senate:
PA- Pat Toomey
KY- Rand Paul
FL- Marco Rubio
WI- Ron Johnson
UT- Mike Lee

Tea Party Winners in the House of Representatives (33 possibly more
due to undecided races):
Sandy Adams, FL-24
Justin Amash, MI-03
Rep. Michele Bachmann, MN-06
Dan Benishek, MI-01
Rick Crawford, AR-01
Rep. Marsha Blackburn, TN
Robert Dold, IL-10
Renee Ellmers, NC-02
Tom Graves, GA-09
Tim Griffin, AR-02
Michael Grimm, NY-13
Paul Gosar, AZ-01
Rep. Joe Wilson, SC
Vicky Hartzler, MO-04
Nan Hayworth, NY-19
Randy Hultgren, IL-14
Adam Kinzinger, IL-11
Raul Labrador, ID-01
Jeff Landry, LA-03
Rep. Tom McClintock, CA
Kristi Noem, SD
Rep. Mike Pence, IN
Rep. Tom Price, GS
Jon Runyan, NJ-3
David Schweikert, AZ-5
Robert Schilling, IL-17
Tim Scott, SC-1
Steve Southerland, FL-02
Marlin Stutzman, IN-03
Scott Tipton, CO
Todd Young, IN-09
Tim Walberg, MI-07
Allen West, FL-22

Continue reading on Election 2010: Tea Party winners and
losers - GOP future - Portland Progressive |

On Feb 19, 12:43 pm, rorywolf <> wrote:
>  The problem with the Tea Party is that they are not a party all they
> are doing is putting the same old parties back in.  It take no proof
> to show you this I know you  will agree until they actually have a
> true Party that have candidate and a way to change the way of doing
> political business even just a little. It is just my opinion, but I
> think that they are a danger because they really are not making a
> change the people they put in will turn on them just as all the rest
> have turn the backs on the people. Until we are able to fire a
> politician without them finishing a term this country's government
> will always win, So if you would like me change my mind show me what
> they actually did but replace one idiot with another .Yes they thought
> they were doing good and in the begin I love the party but then came
> to the realization that they did nothing but show they can replace a
> rep with a dem nothing else.
> The Author

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