Friday, February 4, 2011

Re: Let’s Tear Apart Newt Gingrich’s Homophobic Gay Marriage Logic!

Stop the hate, smear, lies and violence Lil'Tommie!!
Most of what you have cut and pasted has not veracity or truth to it....
It's carnival season, no matter where you are. Go, grab your assless chaps, (or your Statute of Liberty Costume) and go to parading!  Get off of the hateful nonsense!!

On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 2:43 AM, Tommy News <> wrote:
Newt Bedhopper Frogrich is a Homophobic Adulterous Hypocrite!

Let's Tear Apart Newt Gingrich's Gay Marriage Logic!

2/2/11 at 12:50 PM Comment 26Comment 26Comments
In some ways, the debate hosted by George Washington University last
night between Howard Dean and Newt Gingrich was the first of the
presidential campaign season, at least for Gingrich. Based on his
performance, he'll be a formidable debate opponent for his fellow
Republicans and, who knows, maybe President Obama. The former House
Speaker demonstrated his ability to speak easily and at length on what
will be the most prominent issues of the campaign, like the economy,
national security, health-care reform, and immigration. He also
briefly shared his thoughts on gay marriage:

So Gingrich's argument is that:
1. He believes that marriage should be only between a man and a woman.
2. The GWU student believes that marriage should be between anyone who
wants to get married.
3. Both have an equal right to their own beliefs.
4. Gay people can't get married.

Something weird happened there between 3 and 4. The logical solution
would be that gay people can get gay married, Newt Gingrich can get
straight married, and nobody has to force their own personal beliefs
on the other. But Gingrich doesn't come to that conclusion for some
reason. Admittedly, neither does about half the country, and
Gingrich's position is widely accepted, especially among Republican
primary voters, the first group he has to impress.

But here's a prediction: Gay marriage may not be a hugely important
issue in the election, but because President Obama seems destined to
announce his embrace of gay marriage in the not-too-distant future, it
will be an issue. And you just know how Obama is going explain his
change of heart, whenever he's asked about it, in debates and town
halls and TV interviews — with stirring language about upholding core
American ideals like equality, individual freedom, and loving thy
neighbor. Maybe our liberal New Yorker mindset is tainting our
thinking, but it's not hard to imagine Obama's conversion pushing a
populace already rapidly warming to the idea of gay marriage further
in that direction, to the point that a clear, reliable majority of the
country finds the arguments of Gingrich (and the rest of the
Republican field) as hollow and unconvincing as they truly are. At the
very least, Gingrich may want to start thinking about how to deliver
these unconvincing arguments without a sneer.

Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
Have a great day,

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