Award winning film director Gigi Gaston appeared on Fox News "Fox & Friends", describing other incidents of voter intimidation during the 2008 elections. Gaston, a life-long Democrat, is the director of "We Will Not Be Silenced", a documentary film exposing potential vote fraud. In the video below, Gigi Gaston provides details and showssegments from her film.

Regular readers will recall my two part interview with the film's producer Bettina Viviano (Part 1 & Part 2 ). Together with executive producer, John Siegel, a former campaign manager for Hillary Clinton, the documentary shows a pattern of fraud, dirty tricks and voter intimidation used by supporters of the Obama campaign. Their objective was to steal the Democrat nomination process.

Interviews with polling workers, precinct managers and others paint a disturbing pictureof corruption and abuse, particularly during the Democrat caucuses. One of those interviewed in the film described a conference call prior to a caucus where instructionson how to manipulate the results were discussed. Other segments of the documentaryshow how at state party conferences, where delegates to the national convention were to be appointed, Hillary supporters were shouted down and ignored.

For nearly two years, the news media had ignored this crucial story. The recent revelations of Justice Department whistle blower, J. Christian Adams, now shows that there may well be a plan to cover up any vote fraud or intimidation cases that may cast a shadow of doubt on the election of Barack Obama. While Adams contends that the dismissal of the voter intimidation case against members of the New Black Panther Party was based on race, could the real reason be much deeper? A deliberate cover-up of any misdeeds by the Obama campaign or supporters?

Appearing on Fox News "Fox & Friends" today, Gigi Gaston is finally getting to tell her story to the national media. With so much information already accumulated, Gaston and others involved in their film project, "We Will Not Be Silenced", may be invited back to reveal more of what they know. Those who wish to contact "Fox & Friends" and encourage more segments should contact producer Laura Petti by email. The website,Canadian Free Press also did an article this week on the film and it's implications. Perhaps now, the American news media will take notice?

Film Website With More Video Clips & Documents