Monday, January 17, 2011

Re: This so called "Political Forum" group is a pathetic group of evil Reich wing haters and liars.

Don't expect them not to go unchallenged, or that they will not be discussed.

Translation in seven words:  Expect them to be challenged or discussed.


From: Keith In Köln <>
Sent: Sat, January 15, 2011 3:32:13 AM
Subject: Re: This so called "Political Forum" group is a pathetic group of evil Reich wing haters and liars.

Hello Dena !
I see you took the time to respond, and we thank you for your response.  It's always welcome here, as are you.  There is no one individual, based upon his or her beliefs, positions or political leanings, that are disallowed or banned here. 
Right now, there are a majority of posters who do tend to have more of a conservative viewpoint of lean, "left of center" in their poltical beliefs here in the Forum,  I will give you that, but your moderators have seen it when it was just the opposite, and we were a very small minority. 
I can also attest that this group is far more civil than it has been in the past, when it was a majority of those who believed that they exemplified kinder, gentler, more enlightened viewpoints than their conservative brethren. 
As you can see, even today, this very thread is captioned, (and I quote) :  "This so called "Political Forum" group is a pathetic group of evil Reich wing haters and liars".  
Again, you, as well as anyone is welcomed and encouraged to post their thoughts, missives and ideas here.   Don't expect them not to go unchallenged, or that they will not be discussed.   The Daily Kos, or  might hold a better forum for you if that is what you are looking for.
On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 6:32 AM, Dena Liles <> wrote:
When I read the description of your group I was excited. I truly believed that this forum was exactly what it said it was. After all, it is moderated and required you to request a membership. I'm not sure why some here remain. 
"PoliticalForum is a non-biased, non-partisan political forum, the Group treats each and every member's position and viewpoint equally. All members are encouraged to share and discuss their viewpoints on a broad spectrum of subject matter! "
I think this should be revised. There should be a statement that if the outspoken judges of this group deem you to be ______________________________  you can fill in the blank quite easily I'm sure (long insults, or maybe they are just modifiers tend to be the norm).
When I applied, my e-mail accepting me called me "ET" perhaps this is about my You Tube Channel because I am familiar with quantum physics and I am a spiritual person with a mass in my brain. The mind is a vastly complex system, and very fascinating to me. I want to hear all sides of the story, research, spiritual thoughts, on the subject.
My next encounter was a video was a video called "Shari don't be late" or something to that effect. That one shocked me because remember this group is non-biased. But I let that slide because I thought that possibly I was being too sensitive.
My next encounter was the one where I was called a "Kinder Gentler Tree Hugger" (I must admit that some in this group have an amazing talent for trying to incite skirmishes - I just don't take the bait that easily). Let me get to the point here. I was raised in the old south. There were a group in my family called "gentlemen." I'm over the hate speeches and tirades from both sides. I try to conduct myself as a lady, so I shall not lower myself to insult anyone here. I think everyone should step back and assess themselves objectively often, and also decide if they are spending their time wisely. Which is what I have done regarding even being associated with this group.
Thank you for the opportunity of being in this forum, but I just don't believe it can be a fruitful endeavor for me.

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