Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Re: OT: The secret (inspirational)

plainol, I'm glad you got something out of this, because I think
you're one of the few who did.

But it's more profound than you might imagine.

This is precisely why Obama will be re-elected for a 2nd term.
What he's doing is bringing hope in the same way that Ronald Reagan

No one will be elected President without bringing hope.
Contrast this with the Republicans and Tea Party and you'll see
exactly why they will not win in any big way.
They are the Parties of "no", "we can't", "it costs too much", "it's
bad", "shoot them", "doom and gloom", "death", "health care is
bad", ...absolutely everything negative they can think of.
In contrast Ronald Reagan gave the US hope...the "shining city on the
hill", "the best days of America are coming", "the USSR will
collapse", etc. etc.

I am absolutely 100% positively certain that Republicans will not
regain the Presidency in 2012 as long as they have a negative
message... and there is zero evidence they are going to be anything
I am also just as certain that Obama will succeed in putting the US
back on track to being a force for good in the world.

Of course the nay-sayers have nothing but negativity to promote.
It's a failing strategy, and they will ultimately not succeed.

Now does anyone actually know what "The Secret" is?
I do.
And I imagine there's going to a lot of people here typing away trying
to find out, and then discrediting it.
But that will fail also.

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