Friday, January 21, 2011

Re: Fox Government News

What did Keith Olbermann's CONTRACT state?
I don't know.
His contract could state that he can't vote either for all I know...
that doesn't make it legal or correct.
Whether or not he can vote is irrelevant.
If he AGREED to not provide his dollars to candidates, then he
was in violation. It might be important to his employer to appear

Instead of fighting it in court and losing his job, he probably felt
he could do more good by not fighting it.
If memory serves he got some high paying gig immediately ... elsewhere?
Sounds like a 'manipulated' scheme.

So do you believe Corporations should have more rights than
A corporation is a government creation whereby 'businesses' are
bestowed with Government advantage.
I believe corporations (not businesses) should be abolished.
Individuals, however, OWN businesses (corporations) and should be
free to do with THEIR property as any other Individual.


(W)e ought to be asking ourselves why corporations and
interests groups are willing to give politicians millions
of dollars in the first place. Obviously their motives
are not altruistic. Simply put, they do it because the
stakes are so high. They know government controls
virtually every aspect of our economy and our lives,
and that they must influence government to protect their

Our federal government, which was intended to operate as
a very limited constitutional republic, has instead become
a virtually socialist leviathan that redistributes
trillions of dollars. We can hardly be surprised when
countless special interests fight for the money. The
only true solution to the campaign money problem is a
return to a proper constitutional government that does
not control the economy. Big government and big
campaign money go hand in hand.
-- Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), "Texas Straight Talk," 2/4/02

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