Saturday, September 11, 2010

The USA is being held captive!

Americans are a too-forgiving lot. Kill thousands of our citizens in
the name of… Islam, and we bend-over-backwards not to blame… "good"
Muslims. Unfortunately, there are or were few if any of the supposed
"good" Muslims willing to COLLECTIVELY condemn the radicals who
murdered our citizens, or who regularly murder non Muslims anywhere is
the world—any time that the radicals feel the whim.

In this country, Muslims have an obvious divided loyalty. They
empathize with the poor and the disadvantaged who are being promised
economic justice for simply banding together in Islam. The mass-
mined, ritualistic power of billions of Muslims is focused on fighting
capitalism and on fighting the religions that are most associated with
the 'successful': Judaism and Christianity. Because the USA is
considered to be a Christian nation, and because this country is
militarily supportive of Israel, those of the Islamic faith have two,
I think, rather lame reasons to hate America. But hate America they

Someone rightly said of our country: "Love it or leave it!" No group
in the USA can claim to LOVE America while tacitly being supportive of
the violence being directed at this country, both here and abroad.
The latter statement applies to 100% of the Muslims in the USA who
don't continually, and in most unambiguous ways, COLLECTIVELY condemn
radical Islamic extremists. If the large majority of (timid) good
Muslims would COLLECTIVELY condemn violence against those of any other
faith, that violence would soon stop.

But Muslims have shown no propensity to ostracize and condemn their
violent extremists. If, as in the Catholic Faith, Muslims had only
one recognized leader who is "good", things might be different.
Unfortunately, being "good" in Islam, primarily, means having blind
loyalty to ritual. Pray so many times facing just so; treat women
such and such way; maim and kill the unfaithful; and use those harsh
treatments to keep the followers in line, are just a few examples of
the barbarism that is still evident in Islam.

If a communist nation attacked our shores, the State of War would
justify immediate retaliation. Another, equally serious threat to
this country is to allow a criminal Imam in NYC to BLACKMAIL the USA
by saying: "Build the ground-zero community center WHERE we say, or
there will be violence against this country!" Are those of the
Islamic Faith so naïve as to believe they can force our country to
allow Muslims to be in control?

Folks, I hope most of you don't condone having our country be
blackmailed by anyone! That immoral NYC Imam should immediately be
arrested for EXTORTION. And because he is effectively trying to
overthrow our government, he should be arrested for capital treason.
The LOGIC behind the latter is the same logic that I've been promoting
for months to fix our… "broke", broke government: 'Punish the guilty
for violating the Supreme Law of the Land, our US Constitution!'

Americans need to have the backbone to attack the ROOT causes of our
problems. The "game" of politics that has brought us to the brink of
economic ruin, obviously can't solve our problems. Politics-as-usual
IS the problem! Fortunately, our government can be fixed in a SINGLE
DAY! My New Constitution won't just fix our "broke" government, it
will, simultaneously, strike down any supposed law that didn't pass by
a 55% or greater yea vote! Additionally, such document will mandate
that every single law on the books in this country be reviewed and
revoted with full citizen input. Never again will our citizens be
bound by laws that don't, now, have the support of a large majority.

"United we stand; divided we fall." May we all unite to SAVE the USA!

Respectfully submitted,

— John A. Armistead — Patriot

AKA NoEinstein on Google's news group sci.physics.

See also: Start the Revolution! Government is out-of-touch with the


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