Sunday, December 19, 2010

Jesus is a Liberal

Jesus is a Liberal

Biblically documented teachings of Jesus
Christ clearly show that Jesus is a Liberal. His philosophy, based in
compassion, equality,
inclusion, forgiveness, tolerance, peace and - most importantly -
love, is 100% Liberal.

For 20 years we have seen the growing domination of the radical right
wing evangelicals on TV, on
the radio and in the news, newspapers and magazines and in politics -
claiming to own a virtual
monopoly on Jesus. They have redefined what He meant and used His
name to advance their
radical right wing social, business, governmental, political and
military agenda - or as President
Bush calls it their just and righteous Crusade. We strongly object
and disagree.

We reflect the views of over 150 million Liberal, Progressive,
Tolerant and Independent thinking
Christians, Catholics, and others of all spiritual paths, religions
and traditions in the USA and
Canada. Together, we reject the radical right wing Republican
evangelicals' claims that they alone
represent the will, expression and blessing of Jesus Christ. We
believe it is high time someone
stand up for the Liberal, Progressive, Tolerant and Independent
thinking majority's position that any
plain reading of His words, any genuine interpretation of His intent,
outline a Liberal, Progressive,
Tolerant, Loving and holistic world view.

Our Mission is to promote the Integral Koan (TM), holistic meme, and
the original belief and
understanding that Jesus IS a Liberal, and to their very core His
teachings outline a Liberal,
Progressive, Tolerant, Loving, open minded, holistic, and sustainable
vision for our World.

More proof here:

Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
Have a great day,

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