Monday, November 22, 2010

Re: Nominal9 Censorship Hall of Shame

I'm tired of this.
Although I am not in favor of closing this thread, or any thread; like Mark, I don't see the point here, and I support him in his decision.
With regard to Perp,  she is a big girl, (And I don't mean in the literal sense); and can handle herself.  I only point out that once again,  you have misjudged her, and are once again  way off base.
We are not censoring anyone,  we just don't allow for the kind of behavior that Merc brings to this forum, and as she is known to do and does in each and every forum that she has made her presence known.
  We have but one rule here, "Govern yourself with dignity, and be respectful of each and every member". 
Merc is in violation of that rule, period. 
Further, according to our guidelines:
"When Discussing Pornography:  and asked to describe what constitutes "pornography", Justice Potter Stewart replied, "I Know It When I See It". The same guideline applies here in Political Forum; your moderators "know it' when a message, thread or specific converstation is improper or is getting out of hand. Unlike algebra, calculus, accounting, or any other science, moderation on a board like Political Forum sometimes requires making subjective calls.  Your Moderators are without a doubt, the most kindly, astute, brilliant, good looking people that you have ever met, and they will always attempt to be fair!  Nevertheless, any content or media posted by members of Political Forum which is deemed inappropriate, unbefitting, vexatious, harrassing, incendiary or in any way discordant or unsuitable to the Group is subject to removal, without notice.   Any member of Political Forum who is deemed to be unbefitting to the Group Political Forum, is  subject to  removal from the Group, without notice."
So Nominal, there you have it.   If I choose to remove a moderated individual's posts, because I feel that it is incendiary, harassing and just flat out unbecoming, especially to any other member,  believe me, "I/We" have done so, and "I/We" will continue to do so.  There is such a thing as good manners and good taste, and Merc lacks those qualities.
I'm done with this. 


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