Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Left Has Come Completely Out Of Its Hole

((  My voting for Republicans is an act of desperation not preference. ))



October 30, 2010

The Left Has Come Completely Out Of Its Hole

by Colonel Bob Pappas, USMC, Retired.

The left has come completely out of its hole and now Americans who care can see them better for what they are.  Obama's "We won the election!" is aimed at "totally changing America" as a license to rape the country; and he is.

• Legislative rape: Obamacare enacted against the will of the vast majority of Americans;
• Fiscal rape: Irresponsible and corrupt "stimulus" spending;
• Labor rape: Union Cronyism and political corruption;
• Security rape: Failure to secure borders against drugs and illegal immigrants;
• Energy rape: Working to cram through Cap and Trade;
• Regulatory rape: Draconian Financial Regulatory law;
• Housing rape: More Subprime Mortgages to make housing affordable to the poor;
• Banking rape: Bank bailouts;
• Automotive rape: GM and Chrysler takeovers;
• Student loan rape: Student loan takeover;
• Employment rape: Unemployment at 10%;
• Internal Security rape: Rangel to introduce legislation that would provide Obama an SS type "homeland security force;"
• Taxpayer rape: Extend Unemployment Benefits to recreate a latter day Welfare Program;
• Taxpayer rape: Impending largest tax increases in the history of the world;
• Monetary rape: Setting the Stage for hyper inflation;
• Using the EPA to end run Congress on Energy Legislation;
• International relations rape: Loss of world respect; Hillary out of the country sits out the election;
• Intellectual rape: Massachusetts Senator Kerry accuses Americans of "knowing nothing;"
• Rape of America: "We need more time;"
• Rape of Moderation: Partially government funded leftist National Public Radio fires liberal commentator Juan Williams for revealing his personal concerns when observing Muslims board an airplane in their middle eastern garb;
• Feminist Rape: N.O.W. refuses to condemn those who malign politically conservative women;
• Political rape: Clinton "pushes" Meek to get out of the Florida Senatorial race so that democrats would switch to traitor and former RINO, backstabber Charlie Crist;
• Careerist politician rape: Crist labels Rubio an extremist in the mode of Sarah Palin;
• Integrity rape: Connecticut Blumenthal lies about military service;
• Florida rape: Gubernatorial choices: "devil vs. deep blue sea."
• Hope and change: California may survive if it dumps Boxer and Brown;
• Rape of the Republic: Barney Frank and Joe Biden out of the closet openly seeking to increase the role of government in all aspects of American life;
• Service Member rape: Illinois effectively deprives servicemen and women their right to vote;
• Voter rape: Nevada Secretary of State claims no evidence of voter fraud despite a number of complaints that Harry Reid was preselected on voter's ballots;
• Comedy rape: "Commodian" Stewart calls Obama "dude;"
• Hypocrite rape: Former Democrat VP Gore leaves his care idling during a speech;
• Political rape: Democrats ask the Pentagon for information on potential Republican Candidates;
• Race relations rape: Obama gets racial and divisive again, with his admonition to Latinos to "punish their enemies;" and "Republicans will have to move to the back of the bus" comments;
• Monetary policy rape: China complains that Obama's dollar printing is out of control;

• Election rape: Top union officials admit voter fraud, caught on tape;
• Election rape: Unions provide food and gift cards at rally ostensibly in exchange for a Reid vote;
• Election rape: Nevada voting machine techs are SEIU union thugs;
• Socialist rape: Obama: "my name is not on the ballot, but my agenda is;"
• Honesty rape: Democrat politicians shun Obama and distance themselves from their past votes on his agenda;
• Voter rape: North Carolina voter: "I voted Republican and the machine registered Democrat;"
• Candidate rape: Democrat Alex Sink, Florida gubernatorial candidate cheats during debate;
• Drug rape: Democrat billionaire George Soros wants marijuana legalized;
• Taxpayer rape: Obama Panel considers ending mortgage and child tax deduction (despite Obama's promise to not raise taxes one cent on couples making less than $200K);
• Taxpayer rape: Obama reserves 570 rooms in India; takes 40 airplanes; plans to use teleprompter; will not visit shrine; plans to visit mosque; cost to US taxpayers likely close to a billion dollars;
• Voter rape: Democrats support third parties to siphon vote from conservatives;
• Truth rape: Biden accuses GOP of spending $200 billion on mid term campaign;
• Truth rape: Democrats falsely accuse Republicans of taking foreign money for campaign ads;
• Election rape: Obama team refuses to divulge source of its campaign funds;
• Union rape: Union Stagehand fired for wearing Bush T-shirt;
• Treasury rape: Appointment of "Tax-Cheat" Geitner as Secretary of the Treasury;
• International relations rape: Apology tour, Treatment of Dali Lama, Prime Minister Netanyahu, return of Churchill's bust;
• Racial justice rape: Obama supports Black Panther voter intimidation;
• Election process rape: Democrats use illegal immigrants to canvass for voters;
• Elitist rape: Harry Reid defends his million dollar Ritz/Carlton condo;
• Election process rape: Pelosi accused of violating FEC rules by coordinating campaign with supporting lobbyists;
• Nixonian rape: White House extensive "enemies" list;
• Intellectual rape: Teleprompter President visits Sixth Grade with Teleprompter;
• Most brilliant President rape: Staff Meetings Conducted with Teleprompter;
• O'Donnell rape: Routine politics by Delaware Democrats;
• Rape of the truth: "It's Bush's Fault!"
• PC rape: No more War on Terror it's "Man caused disasters;"
• Military rape: Obama pledge to repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell;
• Environmental rape: Obama handling of BP oil spill;
• Rape of the Constitution: Obama's antipathy toward it;
• Rape of Executive power: Presidential end run of the Constitution by Appointment of 39 Czars;
• Rape of America: And the all time winner is: "This is the most transparent and ethical Administration in history."

Like being raped by Democrat politicians? This is just some of the "Change we've been waiting for" that Obama and Democrats have brought to America, many of which happened just this past week. If one likes it vote Democrat, but if one want the country back, vote for a conservative!

Semper Fidelis



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