Thursday, October 14, 2010

Biden's new excuse: Dems not running on accomplishments because "it's just too hard to explain"

Biden's new excuse: Dems not running on accomplishments because "it's just too hard to explain"

The traveling salesman telling American voters that the snake oil Democrats are selling isn't working because 'it's just to hard to explain.' I tend to think Americans dont' buy the bull because the numbers don't lie, politicians do.

Can't sell the stimulus because it did the opposite of what was claimed. Unemployment is above 8% and has been above 9.5% for 14 straight months. The Democrats have driven the car since 2007 and unemployment has doubled from 4.6%.  

They can't run on ObamaCare because, it to, does the opposite of what was claimed. It increases medical costs and insurance premiums.

They can't run on financial reform because it leaves out the regulation of Freddie and Fannie plus Chris Dodd said they didn't know if it would work until the next financial crisis.

There's the reasons Democrats can't run on their record and why Biden can't sell his snake oil. The numbers tell the truth. reports:

He's flown 330,000 miles since taking office, the equivalent of circling the globe 13 times, much of it campaigning for Democrats and telling anxious voters that the $814 billion stimulus measure is working. Vice President Joe Biden knows it's a hard sell.

Yes, your tax dollars hard at work for Obama and Biden to campaign. For 2 years they have campaigned that things 'could've been worse' while blaming Bush. Biden, Obama and the Democrats leave out that it is their numbers that were inherited and things are worse, yet they continue to claim it's a 'recovery.'

"Less bad is never good enough," Biden said in an interview on board Air Force Two on Oct. 8, the same day that Labor Department figures showed the jobless rate held steady at 9.6 percent in September, the last yardstick before voters in the Nov. 2 elections determine which party controls Congress.

"Voters want to be told the truth," Biden said on the way to Madison, Wisconsin, jacketless, kneeling against the back of an airplane seat and holding gold-trimmed aviator sunglasses. "They want to know, 'Tell me, man, do I have a shot?'" he said, his enthusiasm undeterred by a cold.

With unemployment topping 9.5 percent for 14 straight months, Biden is having difficulty trumpeting the 3.3 million jobs created or saved by the White House's economic stimulus.

Probably because that is an outright lie. The Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that we have around a 3.5 million job deficit, not including the 3.5 million 'shovel-ready' jobs Obama promised his stimulus would create, not save. We have a 8 million job deficit, according to the Department of Labor.

"It's just really hard to convince people that when there weren't, up until the first of the year, when there weren't net new jobs it's awful hard to say, 'It's working,'" he said at the end of a three-state campaign swing Oct. 7-8 for four Democratic candidates in Wisconsin, Missouri, and Washington. "It's counterintuitive."

It's hard to say? Then stop lying to Americans. What else do you expect from a plagiarist?

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