Thursday, September 23, 2010

Florida Supreme Court Judges, Come November 2nd

From: Tom Gaitens
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 3:59 PM


A group of our 912ers made the long trip to Tallahassee to watch the Supreme Court Hearings to witness the fate of Amendment 9, the Florida Healthcare Freedom Act (which was being challenged by the progovernment-run healthcare crowd who sought to remove it from the November ballot).  It was an eye opening experience in as much as the bias shown by the judges during the actual hearings.  We were actually able to determine which ones were liberal and which were conservative just by observation. 


We all know the final outcome resulted in a 5 to 2 ruling against placing the Florida Healthcare Freedom Initiative back on the ballot, thus

at least for now, eliminating our chance to choose whether we wish to participate in the government run healthcare program. 



4 of the 7 Supreme Court Judges are on the ballot this year in November. 


We owe it to our members and all 912ers/tea partiers across the state to let them know that Canady and Polston are the only ones worth keeping on the bench. Remember, they are the only two who voted to keep Amendment 9 (healthcare) on the ballot. The rest need to go. This year we can vote out Labarga and Perry (see below). They didn't say one word during the entire argument, which means they had their minds made up before they even entered that courtroom and protecting their backsides for the November election through their silence. Shameful. What are the Florida residents paying them for if they don't even engage in the courtroom discussion. We are letting the 912ers know that we sat in that courtroom and witnessed this firsthand.


So:  Canady     yes to keep

       Labarge    no

       Perry         no

       Polston     yes


Supreme Court Justice





Canady, Charles T. (NOP)




Labarga, Jorge  (NOP)



Perry, James E. C. (NOP)




Polston, Ricky L. (NOP)






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