Wednesday, August 11, 2010

To Arms! The minions are coming, the minions are coming

To Arms! The minions are coming, the minions are coming

I am looking forward to ramadan, it starts tomorrow and ends on September 11, also known as "burn the koran day." I like ramadan and the blood fest that ends it because, hungry pissed off muslims are very predictable. Each year they attempt to one up the previous years and out kill each other.

The minions have always used any excuse to murder their own but even more so during the unholy month of ramadan. I fully expect to see them murder scores of islamic pilgrims on their way to worship their moon god and then justify it by blaming westerners, Jews, cartoons and George Bush.

It is not the carnage I enjoy, that sucks, but the quickest way to learn about islam is watch what the minions do and ignore what they say. Hell turn it into a nightly drinking game, each time a report of another murder hits the airways, drink. Someone should enjoy the holiday season. I am already planning a pork BBQ feast at my house, allahu ackenbars.

Although I doubt the minions are brave enough or stupid enough to bother with the "burn the koran day" crowd in Gainesville, Fla (we are a right to carry state) they will more likely than not also include that fine example of free speech as an excuse for violence. I have several korans and I will burn one. Remember it is not really a koran (according to some sects) unless it is written in arabic. Show proper respect and if you choose to exercise your right to free speech, only burn a proper koran and not some translated koran wannabe.

On the odd chance that these idiots do attack something in the homeland, any chanting suspicious minions are potentially harmful. It is not backlash if they come to you and you have a valid fear for your life. Besides when you get to court explain that we were attacked, emotional stress was all over you, you feared for your life, they were screaming something about an islamic victory at ground zero and most jurors will look the other way, not encouraging anything just saying is all. Please do defend any moderate muslim that you may find; chances are good the screaming out of control minions are also after them. The moderates are easy to find, they will not be screaming in the streets or building trophies on our sacred grounds.

As the rest of the minions celebrate their moon god, remember that they believe any act of violence gets an extra reward during ramadan so arm yourselves and be diligent, especially if you are a resident of the fine state of Florida. Remember the castle doctrine, in this state you are allowed to defend your automobile, useful if scores of minions block your path, screaming obscenities. I do not encourage violence but I am a big believer in the rights of free speech and self-defense.

As a final comment, to my peaceful muslim friends. Some of you might wrongly assume that this post and yours truly are disrespectful and intolerant. That simply is not true. I only seek to expose the worst among your kind. If you would have gotten off your asses and exposed the violent idiots in your cult, the ones hiding in plain sight when you had the chance, I would not have to do it for you. Happy ramadan everyone.

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