Sunday, August 15, 2010

Tea Baggers motto: Kiss ass of the ruling class!!!!

The divine rights of tycoons

I was more reflective than a Libertarian who lost his house in a
Las Vegas Casino.
You know? If you are rich in the USA, you have no obligations! The
fact you have more money than the average Joe makes you very important
person. Let the poor bastards fight in the wars! You? The world must
threat you like a God. How dare they even think of taxing you? What
makes you important is you are a White Anglo Saxon Protestant! Keep
your racial pride to a whisper. You know racism is wrong but your ego
tells you that you are the master race. Just accuse your enemies of
being socialists. Hell, all you got to do is pay some white trash mo-
fo 40 bucks to yell at a liberal Democrat Congressman. Because you are
an Aryan Billionaire: You don't have to serve your country! Your
country serves you! Why? Because you are rich! Plus you are a male!
Most wealth goes to widows! Not you! You got the best Jewish Lawyer in
It doesn't matter how you got it! Most wealth is inherent in the
USA. Forget about that. Your advocates like Horatio Alger and Ayn Rand
make you out to be warrior. You obtain your wealth through hard word
and pure well! Actually, you got it from your Dads attorney 2 days
after he died! But you are rich! You are God! Plus you got
Libertarians, conservatives and Objectives making augments for you!
With all those Central American 12 year old kids working for you! You
even richer than your daddy ever were! Your daddy tolerated those
unions working in his factories! Paying American workers decent wages!
What a sucker! Snap! Back to reality!
When the USA rejected monarchy in the 18 century it left a giant
void in the American psyche. Humans in the past always worship
individuals better than themselves and aspired to be that individual.
Kings and Queens are lauded in fairy tails and are made wholesome in
their mythical presentation. However, the ugly truth was, these
monarchs were evil and greedy. The monarchs in children stories are
beneficence and glow with the light of love. You notice how some
Americans romanticized the English crown? Why? Is it childish need to
have an all mighty guardian angel to watch over you and protect you?
Between childish fantasy and objective reality I'll take reality.
Religion? Same thing. However these Kings are anthropomorphic and
are omnipotent. The ruling class has always supported religion to
pacify the peasants for centuries Kings had presented themselves as
representatives of God. Then came the age of Enlightenment and Kings
were reduced to mortals. But ah! Powerful mortals. The question is,
was monarchy government or a private enterprise? The answer is: Both.
You mix plutocracy with theocracy you get monarchy. Keep in mind;
during the American Revolution most of the colony supported the crown.
Even though King George was crazy as a bat he had strong approval
rating in the colony. Hell, Nixon won in a landslide in 1968 for
president. Which goes to show, millions people could be wrong.
A lot of Americans have a difficult time in distinguish between
fantasy and reality. You can blame it on religion but it also comes
from cunning propaganda from well-financed think tanks of the right.
Wealth worship is meticulously constructed by these think tanks.
American tycoons are our Gods and Kings. A majority of Americans
fantasized of being them. If you attack the rich then you are
blasphemous. The rich have become the alter ego of millions of
Americans. The corporations are the kingdoms and tea party is their
loyal subjects. You want to talk about coddling? This is the Nanny
governed. loyal subjects of the rich want to coddle the rich. They
threat the rich like a spoiled child. If you are rich then you are
exempt from everything! You don't have to pay taxes or serve in the
military. You don't have to serve your country. Your country serves
you! You are God?
The false hope of wealth by these right wing clowns makes do
idiotic things like carrying signs that read: Obama is a socialist.
Most of these bozos do not comprehend the difference between free
enterprise and capitalism or Monopoly and fair competition. All they
know is making money is a God given right and nobody has a right to
control it. They think these tycoons are fair-minded and want
everybody have an opportunity to be rich like them. HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Most of these regulations and taxation came from the very rich
themselves. They do not want competition! So the common person has to
jump hoops to make money. Communist plot? No! Capitalist plot.
Racism plays an important role here. Some think that these rich
WASP are part of their own tribe. That they care about their own kind!
HA!!!!!!!!! The only allegiance they have to them selves. They do not
care about you and never will!
The lesson here is…intelligence is not elitism. The haves are the
elites. No matter how you wire it, the have-nots will never be the
haves. When stop believing in the false hope of wealth then you will
liberated. And no! The left does not want you deprive your right to
make money and be rich. Go ahead! Knock your self out. However, when
you are hungry and homeless, God wont buy you donuts and coffee.

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