Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Re: {Tea Party Patriots} shameless narcissism about Andrew's and my adventure yesterday

WMAL radio

just interviewed me so it may or may not air

You can listen to them for free on the internet.  They carry Rush at noon at Hannity at 3 and Mark Levine at 6

Some "journolist" named Andrea Stone at AOLNews has also written there about it and claims she tried to reach me repeatedly.  WMAL called me this morning and David Wiegel (from and Slate) called me yesterday at 2.  BECAUSE MY PHONE NUMBER IS LISTED>

On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 9:20 AM, Greg > wrote:

I love it.

Geez, Bruce, don't you know there is no crime in DC thanks to our Capitol's restrictions on guns? I mean, they passed a law banning guns, so of course there are no guns in DC, right?


On 8/24/10 6:01 AM, "Bruce Majors" <majors.bruce@gmail.com> wrote:

If you want to post replies to Leftovers, I was attacked yesterday for being a racist (even on Rachel Maddow's show and Huffington Post) for advising tourists at the Beck March this Saturday to avoid certain subway stops:

Yours truly has just been attacked in the Leftover blogosphere (not the first time) including Charles Johnson's website "Little Green Footballs" for my FaceBook Note (and Blogger post) recommending that people visiting on 8/28 avoid certain metro stops. Apparently that makes me a racist.

My blog is here: www.teapartiers.blogspot.com <http://www.teapartiers.blogspot.com>

Famous Beltway journ-o-list David Weigel just called me, and then my tea party/CPAC friend Andrew Ian Dodge (who had re-posted my 8/28 March on DC travel tips on his Maine tea party website) instant messaged me.

My reply:

"Chas, Chas, Chas -- why such incompetence and/or dishonesty.  That blog isn't from Maine, it's from DC.  I wrote it and I have lived in DC since 1980.

The fellow in Maine is just linking to my Tea Party blog,  "Tea Party -- One Lump or Two?" at www.teapartiers.blogspot.com <http://www.teapartiers.blogspot.com> .

And despite your possibly legally actionable whine of racism, my injunction to strangers to not offend the local Ethiopian etc populations by making guesses about what country they are from, and my recommendation that strangers not get on the green or yellow lines and ride them out to the end of the city, had nothing to do with each other.

Sorry Charlie.  One again you show us what idiots you Demwits be."


Of course, being a pussy, Charles Johnson deleted that reply a few hours later (some of his own regulars complained) and blocked me from his website.  Squawk!

In in his defense, Johnson was just copying a story he saw at www.DCist.com <http://www.DCist.com>  website, which must be run by total morons.  One wonders if all their coverage of DC is this incompetent?

But then the lemmings at Huffington Post and the Rachel Maddow show repeated every innacuracy including that it was written in Maine.


Maddow even drew a map of DC metropolitan are purportedly showing where I said strangers would be safest to get off and wander around, incompetently leaving out all of NW DC and Montgomery County.  This girl should go back to Afghanistan and file more reports about how Obama's predator drone killings (unlike Bush's??) are just a delivery of essential public services, like she did last month.  (Maddow had Eugene Robinson from the little bus at the Washington Post chortling along with her.  One is surprised she didn't spend 15 minutes tea bagging with him, but then, I guess Anna Marie Cox is more her bowl of fish.)

To which of these journ-0-lisps should we send this week's Leni Reifenstahl wannabee award for service in defending the tax predator ruling class?

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