Sunday, August 22, 2010

Mike Huckabee was RUDE and inconsiderate to his guest, Jon Voight.

Jon Voight, a true and caring patriot in this our 2nd American
Revolution, asked to read a short, prepared statement that he had
written about the plight of the USA to win back the control of our
government. To paraphrase, Voight said: "For the past year,
President Barack Obama and his political organization have LIED to the
American people at every opportunity. Their objective has been to
vilify the Capitalist, free-enterprise system that made our country
great. They attach the Tea Party movement which has as its main
objective the reduction of taxes on those who are successful in
earning a living. Obama wishes to give money to those who won't work
to pay their own way, but will vote for those who are pushing to turn
the USA into a Socialist / Marxist form of government. Barack Obama
is severely hurting our country by attacking Capitalism. Think of the
negative effect on the entire world if the USA is no longer powerful,
economically. The best hope to save this country is Capitalism. May
God bless the USA."

Mike Huckabee's next sentence, which he spoke with his trademark phony
smile was this: "I don't think President Barack Obama is deliberately
trying to harm the USA. His policies… perhaps, are doing so." Jon
Voight looked floored that Huckabee can't or won't see that
deliberately LYING to the American people on a daily basis is the same
as deliberately hurting the USA!

I would go further to say this: Barack Obama is THE most hurtful
person to our nation in its entire history! He has totally destroyed
our Republic form of government. From day one, Obama has disregarded
the Will of the People by leading the enactment of unneeded
legislation that is bankrupting the USA and enslaving generations of
Americans to pay off his excesses. By disregarding his Oath of Office
to uphold and defend the Constitution, Barack Obama has betrayed the
USA; assumed the position of dictator; and he's orchestrating the
total takeover of every area of economic endeavor in this country. By
doing any and all of the above, Barack Obama, and every single person
who has supported his un American objectives, is guilty of TREASON.
They are all the enemies of the USA! And they are all OUTLAWS—
undeserving of being protected by any law enforcement agency nor
court. Historically, outlaws can be shot-on-sight with impunity. ***
But be it known, it is my first desire to have the thus-far LAME state
governors of state attorneys general to simply order the ARREST for
TREASON of every single "progressive" leftist, socialist/communist
Democrat and crossover Republican in Washington who has been a party
to the RAPING of the US economy. Arrest those people; try them all
for treason; and hang the guilty. Then and only then can the USA
avoid the very bloody revolution that is in the offing.

Pinhead Mike Huckabee, with all of his phony "sweetness", regularly
"spins" things to favor the left. Bill O'Reilly likes to do that,
too. The give-away of most crooks, such as those, is their
inappropriate smiles. When talking about DIRE things, honest people
do NOT smile. Jon Voight certainly did not smile when he read his
statement; nor after.

Glenn Beck is now urging his unlikely throng to come to his 'command
performance' on 8/28, because the event will be as "historic" as
Woodstock. As historic… as a lawless, musical event? Wow!
Apparently, Beck is being pressured to explain his motive for setting-
up the rally. His recent, sort-of-blushing reply is that he's a
father. So, the rally isn't about fighting and winning a REVOLUTION,
it is about Beck's fatherhood. Wow!

When my New Constitution is ratified, it's likely that the entire Fox
News Network will be closed down for not being in the best interest of
the country. Mike Huckabee "plays" a bass (air) guitar on each of his
weekly shows that has yet to reproduce a SINGLE chord or note that can
be heard on the air. The American people should be far too smart to
ever consider such phonies as candidates for public office!

"United we stand; divided we fall." May we all unite to SAVE America!

Respectfully Submitted,

John A. Armistead, Patriot

AKA NoEinstein on Google's sci.physics news group

Start the Revolution! Government is out-of-touch with the People!

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