Monday, July 12, 2010

Re: Start the Revolution! Government is out-of-touch with the People!

We owe no homage to our illegitimate government!

Almost daily, Barack Obama flies across the country to deliver another
one of his 'campaign' speeches. Those are essentially 'spin' speeches
that paint anything Republican as being either 'politically
motivated', or… racist. He takes credit for improving the economy,
when little improvement is in evidence. Humor is Obama's
"entertainment" weapon of choice as he makes light of his negative
showings in most polls. Obama's oft-repeated lies about the state of
our economy are, essentially, aimed at keeping his core constituents—
block-voting Blacks—on board for at least two more years.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who regularly appears on the Fox
News Network, isn't so sure that the Democrats won't… 'pull-things-
out' this November, and again in 2012. He supposes that huge amounts
of money will be raised for TV ads that paint anyone who's anti-
socialist, or anti-Democrat as a… 'racist'. Smiley Gingrich, also
knows that large portions of the stimulus money will be released weeks
before the election to… buy the needed votes. Obama, the Anti-Christ,
loves using other people's money to give him political… leverage.
He's from Illinois, and that's how he learned that things are done.

Greta Von Susteren has finally shown her true colors by saying, with a
smile, that she expects Harry Reid to win re election. Inappropriate
'smiles' betray at least half of those who regularly appear on Fox.
That network won't champion actually SAVING this country, because they
stand to make hundreds of millions of dollars by allowing the
political campaigns to be fought to the bitter end. Glenn Beck has a
WEB site seeking viewer suggestions for program topics. When the
latter subjects run thin, Beck drops back to discuss American History,
or Religion. A high percentage of the people who are in state nut
houses got there because of their uncontrolled religious excesses.
Inappropriate… smiles, betray Glenn Beck's abnormal state of mind as

Numbers of shows tag Sarah Palin, a 'Grizzly Mom', as the probable
leader of the women's movement. Several of the 'new faces' which are
likely to be on the political scene after this November, are women who
were endorsed by Palin. She has been—for effect, at least—a regular
speaker at the now flagging Tea Party rallies. The Republican Party
is still the strongest voice for reason regarding economic issues.

There are only two ways to correct our… "broke" government: (1.)
Fight like hell to get some of the bad members of Congress defeated;
elect 'better' people to take their places; and… pray to God… that the
small shift of power can start reversing nearly a century of decline
in our government; or… (2.) Accept that the US Constitution is the
Supreme Law of the Land which doesn't condone any form of government
that isn't at least an approximation of a Democracy; realize that
socialism of any kind is an unauthorized change of our government type
that threatens our nation's very survival; and rightfully consider to
be CRIMINALS any person from the President to Congress, who has turned
their backs on the ideals of Democracy. Swearing to UPHOLD the
Constitution, then, immediately upon election disregarding such oath,
amounts to TREASON, including everyone from Bill and Hillary Clinton,
to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

Our proud military has sacrificed tens of thousands of its member's
lives fighting Communism, a close cousin of socialism. Being a member
of Congress or on the WH staff doesn't make a socialist, there, any
less of a threat to the USA. In fact, those… "insiders" are MORE
dangerous, because the too nice American Public has gotten use to…
trusting their "elected officials". Our trust in CRIMINALS is
standing in the way of easily fixing our… "broke" government once and
for all.

As I've known was regularly happening, this week I saw on TV, Barack
Obama bouncing down the stairs of Air Force One like Fred Astaire. He
was met near the bottom by a military officer with lots of 'hash' on
both sides of his chest. They exchanged… smiles and shook hands. I
presume that military officer escorted Obama to wherever he was
going. There's a huge problem with what I saw: All members of the
military must swear to uphold the Constitution, and to protect and
defend the USA against all enemies, foreign and domestic. As Victoria
Jackson likes to sing: "…though I sing like a mouse, there's a
Communist in the White House!"

All high ranking military officers surely know that they didn't give
oaths to… look-the-other-way to having a Manchurian Candidate cheat
and steal his way into the White House. By paying any kind of homage,
whatsoever, to that CRIMINAL—including smiling at and shaking the hand
of that rascal—a military officer would, effectively, be giving aid
and comfort to the enemy. Barack Obama is public enemy number one
over the ENTIRE history of the USA. He's an OUTLAW who's still… "at
large", mainly because of the… traditions of respect which we wrongly
uphold, considering the dire social, political and economic situation
we find ourselves in.

General Stanley McCrystal spoke his mind—as was and still is protected
by the 1st Amendment. And he got… fired for not 'respecting'… the
Office of the President. Tell me, prudent people, is our smart
military supposed to BOW DOWN to the Office of the President, when the
President himself, and the majority of his God damned staff are
COMMUNISTS? General David Petraeus, is now on the hot seat. He's
expected to brown-nose Barack Obama whenever called on to create the
false impression that things are just fine having a COMMUNIST dictator
running this country. I say: Just one smile or willing handshake by
General Petraeus, that confuses the American people over the…
legitimacy of our President, justifies having General Petraeus be
arrested, tried, and hanged for TREASON. Similarly, the military
pilots and crews of Air Force One who ferry our criminal President all
over the country, and treat that leach like royalty, are themselves
giving aid and comfort to the enemy, justify having each one of them
tried for treason. *** Swearing to uphold the Constitution, and then
not doing so to the supreme detriment of our country can never be
taken lightly.

Right now, the only thing standing in the way of PURGING every
leftist, socialist-communist Democrat from Washington is… the wrongful
'respect' that we keep supposing should be shown to our… elected
officials, whether they are CRIMINALS or not. There's a huge
reluctance to arrest anyone for treason who has a smiling face and is
wearing a custom tailored suit. Barack Obama knows that better than
anyone on Earth, because he keeps smiling us all to death, while
reveling in his hypnotic powers. If those corrupt men and women had…
scar faces and wore torn jeans, they would be thrown in jail much more
quickly. Personally, I don't think Obama's corrupt band in Washington
is worth spit.

Where is that ONE public servant who will scowl at Obama and spit in
his face? Obama's 'power' will drain away like water if and when he
goes to catch his plane, and it's not there. Or he greets the secret
service in the WH and they turn away. *** How quickly that man will
find himself alone on the gallows once people STOP paying unjustified
homage to the Office of the President, when the man SQUATTING in that
office is a COMMUNIST!

Since Obama has never met the requirement that he uphold and defend
our Constitution—which he daily violates—he is an ILLEGITIMATE
President. And for the last year and a half he's orchestrated ruinous
legislation that is also, 100% ILLEGITIMATE! Folks, instead of having
to worry about… living with Obama's laws, none of them have ever
qualified to be laws!

There's no need to worry about the upcoming election, once the apt
public officials in STATE governments start arresting the offending
Socialist Democrats—dressed in their custom tailored suits or not. By
so doing, NOTHING that Obama has caused to come about will carry the
force-of-Law! And no one should worry about having the God damned US
Supreme Court… overturn anything, because the entire Federal
government, with the exception of the US Military, is illegitimate!

Just one determined citizen, like that Chinaman who stood up to the
tank in Tiananmen Square, may be all that's needed to cause the Obama
house-of-cards to start falling. *** Nothing affecting the survival
of our country can be more important than having one man put his life
on-the-line for… the USA!

"United we stand; divided we fall." May we all unite to SAVE the USA!

Respectfully submitted,

— John A. Armistead — Patriot

AKA NoEinstein on Google's sci.physics

On Jul 5, 11:20 pm, NoEinstein <> wrote:
> Dear Readers:  The only 'bloodless' way to correct our broken
> government is for the States to ASSERT their rights—which have always
> been there!  The US Constitution requires all state officials to swear
> to uphold and defend the Constitution.  When the federal government
> becomes corrupted, as it now most clearly is, the still lucid States
> must DEMAND the needed corrections.
> Glenn Beck's "progressivism", or what I prefer to call: leftist,
> socialist/communist democrats, have replaced our Representative
> Republic form of government with: "To the victor belongs the spoils"
> form of government.  The latter has government doing what the
> "victors" want, even when it has been shown time and again that the
> PEOPLE no longer want those things!  Effectively, we have a group of
> COMMUNISTS in the WH and in Congress who are Hell Bent on destroying
> the USA...
> Suppose that groups of North Korean; North Vietnamese; or Russians—
> with grease-smeared faces—started landing on our shores to turn this
> country Communist.  We'd shoot first and ask questions later; right?
> The States are smart enough to know the ENEMIES of the USA without
> having to ASK the Federal Government about it.
> Now, suppose that a group of smiling, handshaking, communists dressed
> in custom tailored suits, with red and blue... Power ties, get off
> planes and begin brainwashing anyone who will listen.  Those people,
> our elected officials, are SUBVERSIVE communists, but without any
> grease smeared on their faces.  They're Hell Bent on Destroying the
> USA, and the States, just the same.  What should people do?  Why not
> shoot first and ask questions later!  In that case, in less that a
> week every single communist could be purged from government, and
> socialism would be dealt a death blow for centuries to come!
> But I said... "bloodless" didn't I.  The 'polite' thing to do, rather
> than shooting the Democrat bastards on sight, would simply be to
> arrest every single leftist, socialist/communist democrat and try them
> all for TREASON.  Since those people are the articulate ENEMIES of
> America, it might be sensible to just throw ropes over limbs of trees
> and to get those men (and women) swinging in the wind, WITHOUT having
> any costly trials.  *** However, on even the CHANCE that there could
> be... mistaken identity, formal trials should be held.  The entire
> upper WH staff will be arrested and tried, too.  In as little as six
> months, our federal government can be CLEANSED of all the
> undesirables!  Then, legislation can be passed to permanently CLOSE
> the US borders to illegal entry by Hispanics.  And the sending back of
> the millions of those illegals in this country can begin.
> The things explained above can only be... "official" if those in state
> government do the arresting.  I can virtually guarantee you that no
> member of law enforcement will stand in the way of having ENEMIES of
> the USA be arrested, tried and hanged.  But if ordinary patriot
> citizens do the arresting, there will be enough… doubt of the
> correctness, that people will start being shot.  That's why I urged
> those of you who will, to pray that those in state government come to
> the aid of their country!  The time to STOP socialism is NOW.  States
> of America, YOU are our best hope for our survival!
> Respectfully submitted,
> — John A. Armistead —  Patriot
> AKA NoEinstein on Google's sci.physics
> On Jul 4, 6:50 pm, NoEinstein <> wrote:
> > I know THE most efficient way to SAVE America from the socialists!
> > It's the 4th of July.  Most people like to focus on their holiday
> > vacation.  Many will watch soccer, tennis or golf matches on TV, then,
> > listen to patriotic songs and watch fireworks as though… all-is-well
> > with America.  If the smiling faces of those watching the fireworks is
> > the only standard by which this country's political and economic
> > health can be judged, then things might be… pretty good.  But quite
> > literally, many Americans are simply in denial… of how threatened this
> > country is.  They realize that their family's share of the bills to
> > pay for Obama's "golden" delusions will be coming due, soon.  And they
> > aren't happy.
> > On his Fox News TV show this week, Glenn Beck stated that Americans
> > are on the threshold of having 'had enough' from our out-of-control
> > "progressive" government.  Numbers of times Beck has chalked on his
> > blackboards the objectives of America's Communist Party.  And he's
> > drawn near perfect parallels between the present objectives of those
> > working for Obama in the WH and those in Congress who are cranking out
> > daily… 'spend' legislation.  Recently, Russian spies have been found
> > out.  Beck supposes that our communist enemies must be befuddled by
> > the fact that our own government is voluntarily doing to this country,
> > what they, the Russians, were unable to do throughout the long 'cold
> > war.'  "Is all of this… just a trick?", the Russians must be asking
> > themselves.  No, it's not a trick!  But, unfortunately, the majority
> > of Americans have a… couldn't-care-less attitude.  If the survival of
> > our country depended on mobilizing the impotent majority in the USA,
> > we would be doomed.  *** Fortunately, this country can be saved by as
> > few as 1,000 patriot commandos.  In your heart-of-hearts you know who
> > you are.  Destiny and history are calling!  Who among you will fire
> > "the-shot-heard-'round-the-world" to begin our second American
> > Revolution?
> > Quite frankly, Americans are suckers for the Pomp and Circumstance of
> > our broken government.  When Barack Obama, the Anti-Christ, exits Air
> > Force One, color guards stand at attention, and officers salute.  Oh,
> > the honor (vomit!) of being a witness to such PRISONERS of the fine
> > traditions that used to be.  How many among those military officers
> > and members of the color guard are aware that they have just… shown
> > deference to THE most TREASONOUS rascal to ever threaten the USA?
> > Shouldn't those who glorify the most dastardly outlaw and treasonous
> > ENEMY of the USA be tried for "giving aid and comfort to the enemy",
> > i.e, for capital treason?   Shouldn't our military draw the line
> > between loyally upholding the "fine traditions of the military", and
> > rising up to PROTECT the American heartland from the cancerous
> > COMMUNISM that is blatantly being brandished from Obama's White House
> > and in Congress?  Of course they should!
> > The US Constitution disallows having anyone hold public office who is
> > guilty of "high crimes and misdemeanors".  Barack Obama bribed and
> > cheated his way into office.  Because of his criminal deeds, which I
> > spelled out as they happened, Obama has NEVER been qualified to take
> > the Oath of Office!  Due to my insistence on such fact, both Obama and
> > Chief Justice John Roberts were so NERVOUS, that they botched the Oath
> > of Office, in public, and had to have a bogus and unconstitutional
> > remake of that Oath… in private.  *** Oaths of Office are PUBLIC, not
> > private events.
> > Justice Roberts was bound by precedent to ask Obama: "How can you
> > swear to uphold and defend the Constitution—that has democracy as its
> > ideal—when you did not defer to Hillary Clinton during the primaries
> > who was rapidly beating you in the popular vote?  You got an early
> > lead in the… 'delegate count' and started CLAIMING victory, unfairly,
> > long before the contest was decided."  The reason is:  Barack Obama
> > doesn't believe in allowing the popular vote—that's most closely
> > synonymous with THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE—to be used in elections.
> > Obama's corrupt organizations, such as Acorn, can more easily bribe
> > the needed votes in those few… "battleground" states like OH and PA;
> > or in case of the presidential election, in those states having
> > numbers of members of the Electoral College greater than the
> > population of the state would allow.  NOTE: Since there can be no
> > 'fractional' electors, some states will have the number of electors
> > "rounded up".  That will allow Obama to concentrate his campaigning
> > and spending in those same states that are least likely to have the
> > popular vote negate the Electoral votes.  By his doing just that in
> > the last election, Obama showed himself to be anti-fairness; anti-
> > democracy; and well-justifying that he's being pegged… the Anti-
> > Christ!
> > The Secret Service, Capital Police, and all other law enforcement
> > agencies in the USA have been informed that it will be considered
> > TREASON for any of them to… protect the President from being arrested
> > and tried for TREASON.  That same thing applies to all of the leftist,
> > socialist Democrats who have, and are continuing to vote the USA into
> > financial ruin…  Those 1,000 patriot commandoes that I mentioned need
> > not be carrying loaded guns when arresting those scoundrels.  But lest
> > there be civil war in this country, those doing the arresting should
> > be STATE officials like LA Gov. Bobby Jindal.  Jindal has witnessed,
> > first hand, the CONTEMPT that Barack Obama has for the concerns of any
> > state.  Arizona, likewise, continues to be treated like criminals for
> > desiring to be secure within its borders.  ANY PUBLIC OFFICIAL IN ANY
> > STATE who rightly arrests Barack Obama and any of the socialist-
> > communist Democrats from those states, will become the HERO in what
> > can be… our bloodless revolution!
> > The pent up hatred for the illegal aliens in this country need not
> > lead to violence against them, IF state public officials will purge
> > the Democrats responsible for our 'broke' government from Washington.
> > The USA will survive perfectly well using the line of ascendancy to
> > the presidency that's spelled out in the
> ...
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