Monday, June 4, 2012

I am unapologetically, and unrepentantly White


Revised version of the "Kramer" attributions:

Ever wonder why Whites are "racists", and no other race is?

There are African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, Arab Americans, etc.

Then, there are just Americans.

Sometimes "minorities" pass me on the street and sneer in my direction - call me 'White boy', 'Cracker', 'Honkey', 'Whitey', 'Dog' (they say Whites smell like dog when wet), Chicken (referring to 'skin like a chicken')... And that's OK... I am sorry to say I have even been called, 'Goy' - and my grandfather was Jewish...

But if I called a 'minority', Nigger, Kike, Towel head, Sand-nigger, Spic, Camel Jockey, Gook, or Chink ... I would be considered a racist.

So-called 'minorities' (minority victim classes) claim that whites commit a lot of violence against them.

So why are the so-called 'minority' neighborhoods the most dangerous places to live? 

  Blacks have the United Negro College Fund, Martin Luther King Day, Black History Month, and the NAACP.

Hispanics have Cesar Chavez Day, etc. Jews, Yom Hashoah, the ADL, the JDL...

Muslims have 
Mawlid Al-Nabi, etc.

Blacks have BET...

If we had WET (White Entertainment Television), we'd be racists.

(I personally love watching Hispanic-Latino TV, and try to pick up Spanish so I can understand those luscious Latino ladies... I miss a lot of jokes and gags too.)

Can you even imagine, instead of Oprah bragging over her open schools and such for "Blacks", "Minorities", and "Women and Girls", Donald Trump opening schools for underprivileged White boys? (oops... Stephen Girard tried that, forgot.)

If we had a White Pride Day, we would be racists.

If we had White History Month, we would be racists.

If we had any organization for only Whites to 'advance' our culture or lives, we'd be racists.

We have a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, a Black Chamber of Commerce, and then we just have the plain Chamber of Commerce.

We have Hispanic Yellow Pages, the "Black Pages", a variety of Asian Yellow Pages, but no Caucasian Yellow Pages... nor would that be 'tolerated'.

A white woman could not be in the Miss Black American pageant, but any color can be in the Miss America pageant.

If we had a college fund that only gave white students scholarships... You know we'd be racists.

There are over 60 openly proclaimed Black Colleges in the US. Yet if there were 'White colleges', that would be a racist college.
(Case in point, Girard College, Philadelphia, Pa. Wholly funded by Stephen Girard's private money.

In the Million Man March, Blacks believed that they were marching for their Race and Rights. 

If we marched for our race and rights, you would call us racists. 

Minorities are proud to be Black, brown, yellow, or otherwise, and are not afraid to announce it.

If Whites express their particular outstanding traits, talents, achievements, and contributions to humanity, or any pride as a race, they are branded Racist. Whites can have national heritage events - German, Irish, etc - but not White. No White pride parades. No White caucus in Congress, or other organizations publicly chartered to promote White interests, or White advancement, or education. Not even private organizations are acceptable, let alone government funded ones.

In minority neighborhoods (it used to be only in Black neighborhoods in my experience, but seems to be on the rise in others') I personally have been spit at, cursed at, called racial slurs, refused service at stores, and attacked just for being White.

If this is designed to teach me some 'lesson' (as I am minding my own business), the only lesson I have learned is there are growing factions of violent, White-hating, race-centric people in the United States and elsewhere. When someone comes against me in the name of their Race, or because of mine, I need to be able and ready recognize the threat, and to defend myself. My rights obviously will not be protected nor upheld by my government. (I wonder how that will work in 20 to 25 years when Hispanic-Latinos are in the numerical majority...?)

When a White police officer shoots a Black gang member or beats up a Black drug dealer while resisting and posing a threat to society, the cop is called a racist.

Why is it that only Whites can be racists?

There is nothing improper about this email. 

Don't feel 'funny', guilty, wrong, or afraid to send it on.

Whites don't stand up for themselves as a group, or for each other, mostly because we generally don't want our lives lived like a Jerry Springer Show. Also, and you all know it, we have been 'taught' to be in deference, and to voice our objections in whispers, and cowering in fear. Fear of 'offending' and fear of punishment for having unacceptable, Politically Incorrect viewpoints.

Say it! Honkies are the new 'nigger.' Yes, it is politically incorrect to say it, or to assert your Whiteness in any way. Oh well...

That's why we have lost most of our rights in this country. 

It's not a crime yet to be White, but in effect getting very close!

It is class warfare.

It is socialism in action. 

The Minorities who see themselves as victims, a victim class, victims of Whites in particular (and probably WASP males at that.)

The Jews were the pariah class in Nazi Germany - no different from Blacks at various times and places in the US, and around the world - and truly, stripped of their lives, and forced into ghettos.

My intelligence, my religion, and my character, tell me I don't need to be 'proud' that I am White, nor should I be a "respecter of persons".

However, I was born White, Created White by God Almighty, and I am unapologetically, and unrepentantly White.

If anybody wants to make issue of it, I will be forced to join them in making an issue of it.

If somebody calls me a Honky, or Cracker, I reply - "You can only wish you were."



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