Thursday, May 31, 2012

Re: A gay Canadian conservative....and i thought I was the only one...LOL

Hey Bear,
I do know folks who are on the right, and are also clueless.....However I am by no means the exception here.   I do believe that like me,  most people don't care what one's religious preferences are,  or who one chooses to hop in the sack with.  The same can be said for race or culture.   As long as your liberty interests don't interfere with my liberty interests,  then all is right with the world!
I do have an issue with folks who in my opinion are detrimental to our Nation's well being, and who advocate for large, central government.   Those individuals who don't have an understanding of our history.   Those who believe that "Marxism";  "Socialism",  "Communism";  "Trotskyism", and "Maoism" are truly wonderful political and economic systems,  but we just haven't had the right folks try and implement these types of systems yet. 

On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 11:15 AM, Bear Bear <> wrote:
Yes I ran across his blog a while back. he has a good head on his shoulders.

I was just talking to a buddy about the blog I posted and realized that I have " come out" 3 times. Gay, Conservative and Atheist. Atheist is the hardest. People have very harsh reactions when you tell them that you just don't believe in their god. And don't want them wasting their time praying for you. Some of the reactions that I have gotten have been very harsh.

Living in our national capital, a very left wing city, you learn not to try and reason with the lefties. They don't even try to argue their case. Just get insulting and call you names.

I can't tell you the number of insults I've gotten along with just amazed looks when you tell someone that you are gay and a conservative. Traitor is a favourite one. Though just what I have betrayed is never explained to me.

Critical thought seems to be a thing of the past in our society. Especially at universities.


On 31 May 2012 10:51, Keith In Tampa <> wrote:
Good Morning From Tampa Bear,
Here's an interesting blog, also from a conservative Gay American.   It's refreshing to see some common sense from the Gay community from time to time and on occasion.  I salute you, Bruce Majors and others who, "Think".


On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 10:44 AM, Bear Bear <> wrote:
Just saw this guy on TV. Was kind of surprised that he lives not far from me. Same neighbourhood...LOL

He has an interesting blog. And the film society that he founded has some great stuff. Some of you might remember a while back when they tried to show a film about the Iranian regime. And the Iranian embassy tried to have it shut down. When that failed they got bomb threats.

any hoo. his blog makes for an interesting read.


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