Monday, April 30, 2012




Tony Elliott

Published 04/29/2012 - 5:31 a.m. CST



Recently, the Obama State Department officially declared the "War on Terror" to be over. This should mean that the threat of a terrorist attack against America either at home or abroad has become so miniscule that it poses no further concern for the Federal government. Yet, the Obama Administration was seemingly concerned enough about Terrorism as of 12/11 that the President signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act which gives the US military the power to detain US citizens for indefinite periods, literally shoot anyone who is even suspected of anti-government activity that is uncooperative, and arrest those who have anti-government opinions such as speaking out against the Gestapo-like tactics used by the TSA each time anyone wishes to fly a commercial airline, for example.

President Obama was also seemingly concerned enough about terrorism to use his executive powers to implement the National Defense Resources Preparedness Act into law, March 16, 2012, which gives him the right to seize control over all public and private entities in the country, literally when he deems todo so.

Such fascist laws as the Patriot Act which give the Federal government the right to spy on its own citizens in the form of telephone taps, scrutinizing all bank accounts, the monitoring all internet usage by everyone, recording travel by all and produced the TSA is as alive today as it ever was, shortly after 9-11.

Other freedom killing bills such as SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act), PIPA (Protect IP Act), ACTA (Anti Counterfeiting Trade Agreement), and CISPA (Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act) that have sprung up of late are all directed at spying on American citizens and keeping tabs on our personal lives.

Today, in every town and municipality in the US, there are cameras at every street corner and most are equipped with microphones while recording every conversation going on by anyone within range of them.

American society today gives new meaning to George Orwell's book 1984 and even goes far beyond the book's big brother scenario.

If the War on Terror is officially over as we are told it is, there shouldn't be a need for any of this but, the Federal government's desire to spy on us and know everything about our every move has drastically increased just since January of this year. Thus, proving that it is the citizens of the US that the Federal Government is interested in and not international terrorists. We have become the enemies of the state in the eyes of the Federal Government.

The US Federal government fears its own citizens, because it is afraid that massive riots and civil unrest will erupt at any given time when the people realize they have been taken for idiots by their own government.

Some of the lies we are told?

That we are not in a recession, but the official unemployment rate is at about 8% with the actual number of Americans out of a job being at over 20% when all are counted, not just those receiving unemployment benefits that make up the 8%. At no time in the past, has this country not been in a recession when the unemployment numbers were as high as they currently are.

The Federal government continues to degrade the economy and drastically increase inflation by having an unrealistic energy policy that does nothing in reducing dependence on foreign oil, curbing high prices, or allowing even a shred of hope of becoming energy independent.

Instead, the Obama Administration would rather raise prices of energy, destroy what's left of the economy, and continue to increase the need for buying oil overseas by following a fantasy of striving for renewable energy in the form of wind, solar, and his remarkably idiotic vision of fueling automobiles with algae. The renewable energy vision would be fine, if it worked. However, given the fact that neither wind nor solar power actually ad to the grid, end up costing billions in taxes, drastically increases electric bills and use more grid electricity than they will ever produce, it is absolutely insane to consider them as a viable alternative. The algae idea is too outrageous to even mention.

Given the fact that over three hundred million people now live in the US and the reality that we are an industrialized nation, the very idea of these so called renewable energy sources alleviating any traditional energy source is so absurd that anybody should be examined for severe psychological disorders of reality denial for believing they do.

The environment cannot be used as an excuse for such an inept energy policy, because we encourage and even help finance oil production and offshore exploration in many other countries such as Brazil and Mexico. This is a clear indication of an overall lack of concern by the US for the whole state of the environment of the world and a brazen attempt at destroying its own economy through oppressing growth.

The trillions wasted by both the G.W. Bush Administration and the B.H. Obama Administration on useless endeavors, wars, the global warming/climate change lie, and countless other irresponsible projects should be considered Federal crimes rather than lousy leadership.

The trillions wasted in the form of the various Stimulus packages since Obama came to power was literally money going to well-off public sector unions and wealthy Democrats worth hundreds of billions of dollars. Billionaire Democrat donors who received a lot of money from the Obama administration include: Solyndra owner George Kaiser; Tesla Motors owners Leon Musk, Larry Page and Sergey Brin; NRG Energy owners Warren Buffett, Steven Cohen, and Carl Icahn; Abound Solar Manufacturing's Pat Stryker; and Siga Technologies' Ronald Perelman. Among other wealthy Democrat winners were former Vice President Al Gore whose investment in Fisker Automotive was rewarded with a $529 million loan guarantee. All together about 75 percent of loans and grants have been given out to companies run by Obama supporters.

Destination of stimulus money:

March 2008: Bush stimulus $29 billion for Bear Stearns/JP Morgan Chase deal
May 2008: Bush stimulus $178 billion in tax rebate checks
July 2008: Bush stimulus $300 billion for distressed homeowners
July 2008: Bush stimulus $200 billion for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
September 2008: Bush stimulus $50 billion to guarantee money market funds
September 2008: Bush stimulus $25 billion to Big 3 automakers
September-November 2008: Bush stimulus $150 billion to AIG
October 2008: Bush stimulus $700 billion to banks (TARP)
February 2009: Obama stimulus $787 billion in broad stimulus package
February 2009: Obama stimulus $75 billion for distressed homeowners
February 2009: Obama stimulus $200 billion for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
March 2009: Obama stimulus $30 billion for AIG
March 2009: Obama stimulus $15 billion for Small Business lending
March 2009: Obama stimulus $1 trillion for banks to remove "toxic assets" from their books
March 2009: Obama stimulus $22 billion for Big 3 automakers Chrysler and GM
April 2009: Global stimulus $1 trillion commitment from G-20 countries
June 2009: Obama stimulus $30 billion to help General Motors file bankruptcy

With both Administrations, the money clearly went mostly to those who benefited them politically and not where it was needed the most.

During the Bush Administration just a day before the 9-11 events, some 3.2 trillion dollars was reported as lost by the Pentagon.

What all of the tyrannical laws enacted by the US government really amount to is insurance for controlling a mad, fed up population of hundreds of millions of people who finally get enough of the corruption and lies and decide to do something about it.

We the citizens of the US are considered as the threat to the Federal government because they know they have become the enemy of the Constitution from within.



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