Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Re: Second Student Declared Brain Dead After Chardon Ohio School Shooting

Well Said Michael.....

On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 4:51 PM, MJ <> wrote:

"Whenever terrible events such as these occur, the cable news channels turn loose their stables of journalism-school twits to offer explanations. Over the years, everything from gun ownership to long coats to rock music to violent films have been used to distract attention, and to reinforce the collective dull-wittedness of the boobeoisie.  That such actions take place in an environment in which the use of deadly violence against innocent people has become virtually synonymous with "patriotism;" when presidents can declare their rightful authority to kill whomever they select; when police officers can kill without being held accountable for their acts;  when soldiers are honored as heroes for killing foreigners;  and when presidential candidates try to outdo one another in their threats to bomb nations that pose no threat to America, should we be surprised when impressionable teenagers emulate such behavior and thinking?

"No, Boobus, this is not an attempt to justify such violent acts, but to try to understand their origins.  When one presidential candidate is resoundingly booed for suggesting that we ought to pursue peaceful ways of living, you should be aware of the depth to which violence is worshipped in America. Don't feign shock if a few members of the next generation get converted to the faith."
 -- Butler Shaffer 28 Feb 12, Ohio School Shooting

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