Tuesday, February 14, 2012

It's a shame Republitards are wasting so much money on a losing Presidential nominee

Instead of being pro-ductive, Republitards will choose to be
unproductive, retrograding, repetitive, regurgitating sloths their
outdated backwards thinking ideology tells them to be.

They simply rename the old ideas and call them new.
As far as I'm concerned they should all be put on a FBI and Homeland
Security terrorist watch list.

No matter who the nominee is, no matter the rhetoric, they will lose.
It's really that simple.
America has had quite enough of them and don't wish to be Al-Quieda
like and go back to the days of Mohammad or 1776.
But they're ignorant of progress and don't know anything else.

Too bad they couldn't spend more time being productive citizens
instead of the giant criminal blob stains they really are.

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