Sunday, February 26, 2012

Fifteen Reasons Why I Voted Republican -by a Proud Republican

Fifteen Reasons Why I Voted Republican

-by a Proud Republican

1. I voted Republican because you can blame problems on poor people
instead of the rich ones who actually run things.

2. I voted Republican because firefighters and teachers are
scum-sucking leaches, but the oil companies raking in record profits
NEED those hundreds of millions in taxpayer subsidies.

3. I voted Republican because I believe companies like my cable TV
provider, insurance company and credit card company could do a better
job running the country than the government, no matter how much they
screw me over.

4. I voted Republican because I don't trust the government, although
I favored the government spying on my health/financial records and
tapping my phone when Bush was in office to keep us safe from 'trrists.

5. I voted Republican because I don't really care whether terrorists,
murderers and drug dealers own guns or not.

6. I voted Republican because I believe climate change doesn't
exist; if I can't see it with my own two eyes, it doesn't exist. Like

7. I voted Republican because I hate women having abortions, but
once the baby is born and dies from a preventable illness that' okay.

8. I voted Republican because I believe in laying off workers to
boost profits; then I get to complain about lazy unemployed people.

9. I voted Republican because I understand capitalism. Demand
doesn't increase jobs…ensuring corporations pay no taxes and cutting
healthcare and education does.

10. I voted Republican because I care about the deficit and support
cutting services that I really need. But extra tax cuts for the super
rich that actually caused the deficit should be extended indefinitely.

11. I voted Republican because I believe in never having to solve
any problems in the government because I insist government is the
problem anyway.

12. I voted Republican because I hate activist judges, unless they
are conservative (Yes, corporations should get to spend unlimited money
in elections).

13. I voted Republican because spite and fear is better than hope and change.

14. I voted Republican because I agree that life begins at the moment
of conception and ends at birth, and women are incapable of making
thier own reproductive choices.

15. I voted Republican because B. Hussein Obama is a secret Kenyan
born Muslim negro far left wing extremist liberal socialist with a
dark evil secret agenda to destroy America, take my guns, ammunition
and freedom, and turn them all over to Islamic extremists and
homosexuals who will rob, rape and murder me, my wife, my girlfriends,
and my children, and force the abortion of my unborn children.

The GOP Platform 2012:

Gingrich-Palin or Santorum-Bachmann for President! Or Both!

Drill, Baby Drill!

Bomb Bomb Iran!

Corporations are people, too!

Let the poor get jobs instead of welfare!

Homosexuals can and should choose to become normal!

Send ALL foriegners back to thier own countries permanently!

Born in the USA Only!

-a Proud Republican

Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
Have a great day,

Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
Have a great day,

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