Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Obama Decrees Congress Irrelevant



From: levant marvin []
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2012 9:11 PM
Subject: Obama Decrees Congress Irrelevant



It's Official: Barack Obama Has Declared Himself De-facto Dictator Of The United States Of America.

     While the tyrannical pronouncement went largely unreported by the Obama-media, Barack Obama declared himself de-facto dictator of the United States of America on Wednesday, possibly signaling the end of the United States as we know it. 

     In what can only be described as a blatant, totalitarian and authoritarian abuse of power, Barack Obama, decreed that Richard Cordray would be the head of his so-called Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and hemade his declaration without the advice and consent of the Senate, and, by doing so, he clearly violated Article 2, Section 2 of the United States Constitution

     But do not be deceived, the Cordray decree is not just another run of the mill Obama abuse of power. 

     Through this seemingly insignificant but illegal act of defiance, Barack Obama stopped sticking his toe in the water and finally took the plunge and declared Congress irrelevant, and as long as Congress accepts its newly decreed irrelevance, nothing stands in Barack Obama's way. That's how tyrannies start! 

     We can't allow that to happen.  The disease that is the Obama administration must be stopped and IMPEACHMENT is the only cure


They Puff. They Pontificate. And Yet, They Do Nothing! 

     There's no doubt that Obama, by any sane person's reckoning, has crossed the line. And yet, our elected officials are still all talk and no action.  What gives?

     After blustering and pontificating that Obama's actions were "an extraordinary and entirely unprecedented power grab" that "would have a devastating effect on the checks and balances that are enshrined in our Constitution," John Boehner cowardly rolled over and said; "I expect the courts will find the appointment to be illegitimate." 

     Excuse us Mr. Boehner? Wait just a minute. The Constitution is clear and your Constitutional duty is clear. And simply talking tough and punting your Constitutional duty over to liberal activist judges does not excuse you from doing your duty. 

     Barack Obama is not a king or a monarch. He is not our dictator and when the man or woman occupying the Oval Office violates the Constitution, the remedy is IMPEACHMENT and the jurisdiction to impeach lies with you, not the courts

     Mitch McConnell did no better. All he could muster was feckless outrage and say that Obama had "arrogantly circumvented the American people" and his decree"fundamentally endangers the Congress's role in providing a check on the excesses of the executive branch." 

     Just words... nothing but words. 

     But make no mistake, our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves over this dictatorial and tyrannical power grab and we are once again left to ask: What must this pretender do... how many times must this tin-pot dictator abuse the Constitution before our elected officials do what must be done to preserve our Republic and push to impeach this imposter and remove him from the office that he usurped


The Media Is Lying To You. Cordray Was Not A "Recess Appointment" And Obama Knows That He Is Violating The Constitution. 

     You may be asking yourself: Did Obama blatantly violate the Constitution? Isn't the President allowed to make recess appointments when the Senate in not in session? 

     You might also be asking, didn't President George W. Bush appoint John Bolton as Ambassador to the United Nations as a recess appointment? 

     The answer to all those questions is an unqualified yes, but what the media is neglecting to tell you is that the Senate IS NOT IN RECESS

     The Senate IS NOT in recess because on December 17, Harry Reid's Senate agreed to an order instituting what are called "pro forma sessions" so that Senate business can move forward during the holidays. 

     And, in spite of what the media may be telling you, these pro forma sessions are not unprecedented (in fact, they're quite common) and they're not mere technicalities, as Obama's apologists would have you believe. 

     Oh yes, they'd like you to believe that Barack Obama has the authority to do exactly what the Constitution so expressly prohibits. Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer went so far as to LIE and call the pro forma sessions a "gimmick" and added that "gimmicks do not override the President's constitutional authority to make appointments." 

     But Barack Obama KNOWS the pro forma sessions are no "gimmick" and he knows what should be apparent to any five year-old... that he has no Constitutional authority to violate the Constitution and make recess appointments when the Senate IS NOT in recess. 

     And if you're looking for proof, look no further than the so-called "payroll tax cut extension" that Obama recently signed into law on December 23. 

     As Andrew Grossman of the Heritage Foundation points out, "it was at one of those [pro forma] sessions, on December 23, that the Senate passed the payroll tax cut extension that the President signed into law later that day." 


Yup, Obama Was For The Senate Being In Session Before He Was Against The Senate Being In Session. 

     So how did Barack Obama sign a bill into law that was passed by a Senate that was in recess? Answer: he didn't... he couldn't... it's impossible. 

     Obama knew that the Senate was in session when he signed his so-called"payroll tax cut extension" into law. So how can he dictatorially decree, days later, that the Senate WAS NOT in session when he appointed Cordray? 

     He can't! Barack Obama DOES NOT have the power to declare when the SenateIS or IS NOT in session (even legitimate Presidents don't have that authority... Article 5, Section 1 of the Constitution expressly forbids it). In spite of what he may think, he IS NOT a king... he IS NOT a dictator! 

     As Edwin Meese and Todd Gaziano, in a commentary published by the liberalWashington Post point out: "[N]ever before has a president purported to make a 'recess' appointment when the Senate is demonstrably not in recess. That is a constitutional abuse of a high order." [Emphasis Ours] 

     And Meese and Gaziano add: "To prevent future tyrannical usurpations of power, Congress must act to redress this serious threat to our liberty." 

     Did you hear that Mr. Boehner? ... Mr. McConnell? ... "Congress must act." And the only reason why Barack Obama is getting away with this dictatorial abuse of power is because our so-called "leaders" in Congress are too cowardly to act, andit's up to us to give them some much-needed backbone

     If they don't stand up to Obama, what's next? Will Obama decree next year that the 2012 elections should be postponed or declared null and void? Will the media then tell us that he has the Constitutional power to do so? 

     And if you doubt that the above scenario can happen, ask yourself the following question: If Congress allows Obama to get away with this latest tyrannical usurpation of power, will more tyrannical abuses of power follow... each more egregious and far reaching than the previous? 

     We agree with Meese and Gaziano. "Congress must act to redress this serious threat to our liberty," and the only fitting Constitutional remedy for a "tyrannical usurpation of power" is IMPEACHMENT


Obama Has Not Even Tried To Conceal The Fact That He Considers Himself To Be A Dictator. 

     Let's face facts; tyranny has become a pattern of behavior with Obama and he's no longer making an effort to even conceal his tyrannical abuses of power. 

     When it comes to the Cordray appointment, the Wall Street Journal writes: 

"[A]dministration officials say they reserve the option to install Richard Cordray as head of the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau without Senate approval. That's because the White House has concluded that it can make the appointment even if the Senate has not formally recessed, said one Democrat familiar with White House thinking. 'They have decided no one can stop them.'" [Emphasis Ours] 

     You read that right, Obama has essentially said... I'll do as I please and I dare anyone to stop me (it's high time for Mr. Boehner and Mr. McConnell to take him up on that dare)

     Gaziano cautions us that Cordray's appointment is "a grave constitutional wrong" that "fits a pattern of extra-constitutional abuse by the White House." 

     Even one of Barack Obama's advisers, Josh Earnest has boasted, bold as brass, that working with Congress is "no longer a requirement." 

     And why shouldn't Obama and his apparatchiks be bold? At every turn our so-called Republican leaders in Congress have given him inches, and each time he has taken miles. When will these tyrannical abuses stop? How far will Barack Obama go? When will they draw a line in the sand and say: the tyranny stops today

     History doesn't paint a pretty picture. Until patriotic Americans take action and lean on our elected representatives to expose Obama's dictatorial, illegal and unconstitutional behavior, the sky is the limit

     And to those who may be saying that pushing for impeachment is "impractical"with an election less than year away, we respectfully ask: how much damage can Barack Obama do in one year? How much power can he tyrannically usurp in a year? How much damage can he do to this great country and our Constitution in a year

     Pending elections DO NOT trump the Constitution and at this point, patrioticAmericans should not be asking whether Barack Obama should be impeached but rather, need to be asking WHEN will Barack Obama be impeached

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to the Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. Or alternately, you can send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the House and Senate... that's over 280 Blast Faxes. 


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Chris Carmouche 


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