Sunday, November 13, 2011

"occupy Portland" beats the Mayor

So, Mayor Adams has decided to close the two occupied parks at midnight...but the occupying forces decided not to evacuate except into the immediate streets, at which point the police told them to get out of the street so they went back to the parks...and the news says this is NOT a victory for the occupying force?
And no one has mentioned, yet, that a democracy is where the majority rule is agreed upon by everyone.  But as soon as someone does something that would put a TRUER light on the evils of this occupation, the occupiers immediately pull out the "we cannot control individual actions" of republic politics.  Mind you, i am not discussing political parties, i am talking about political systems.  And no where within the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution for these states united as a country is the word democracy.  No, as a matter of fact, our founders knew the difference between democracy and republic forms.  In a democracy, the individual implies consent to the will of the majority.  In a republic, the individual must express consent to the will of the majority.  In the 'Occupy Portland', the individual implies consent (they say they are democracy) to be the will of the majority.  Therefore the 'Occupy Portland' is not a 'peaceful protest' in that there have been attacks upon private property (fires and a molotov) and one representative of the Law of Portland was injured during the clearing of the parks.   
Does Portland need the assistance of the State guard?  Does the Governor need to step in?  Or how about the federal government?  After all, this occupation is part of the "Occupy Wall Street" move...
Here is an idea on how to clear the occupiers...line the sidewalk opposite the parks in question, broadside, and start walking.  While the line walks, pick up the trash in front of you.  This includes tents, tarps, sleeping bags, etc.  After all, it is the responsibility of the city to clean the common areas.  Oh, and if some ONE is in the way, haul them away like the rest of the trash.

sign me
daniel karl seigler, born in Fort Benning, Cussetta County, Georgia, son of
Clarance Roland O'Neil Seigler, born in Ozark, Dale County, Alabama, son of
Thomas Malcolm Seigler, born somewhere in Alabama

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