Thursday, October 13, 2011

Republicans are evil

I have come to hate these new Republicans. There are a number of
reasons why, but most of all because they are not the Republicans I
knew forty or so years ago.

Dare I say, they're not your daddy's GOP.

As they have demeaned themselves with their "tea party" nonsense, they
have at the same time ruined (for the time being) our two-party
political system.

They used to be the party of the rich because they were rich and were
often landed gentry and went to the best schools, etc.

Once they only required the poor folk to work their asses off in their
factories and offices and not be required to buy into their political
catechism.But now they have become the absolute enemy of the common
man, even as many of them claim to be common folk.

What happened? Here are some observations:

First, I want to say that I cannot believe any self-respecting black,
brown, tan, red or yellow person can really choose to be a Republican.
Yet, people of color are lining up to spew the same hateful message as

Most unfortunately, the Republican party has subsumed a group of
ignorant, whiny, screwballs all of whom appear to have flunked both
civics and history classes in high school.

Their demands in the manner of a churlish child have not just
distracter true Republicans, but have stolen their souls, acting under
the guise of people who would 'do the right thing."

Aside from some spiffy, errant Irish, most Democrats did not change
their shirts every day, spoke to every man as an equal and could stand
for four hours at a bar while toasting half the world.

They got their hands dirty at their work and the grime stayed on until
death as a badge of honor. As a rule they did not live as long as
their Republican brothers but I think they just might have had a
better time.

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