Saturday, October 8, 2011

Re: To win

Hey for what it is worth Gary Johnson is mentioned in the Washington Blade (one of DC's and the countries, bigger gay news and politics papers) today (page 20) where they quote two or three paragraphs I used in my politically incorrect gay blog, BigHomo, on the booing of the gay soldier and Obama's response

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Boos for Obama who will never "Evolve Already; why were the individuals booing not identifed?

There is a twitter campaign, #EvolveAlready, led by humor/advice columnist Dan Savage, among others, to get Obama to come out in favor of gay marriage, his position before he ran for and was elected to be President.  Obama keeps saying his position is evolving, and Savage and others keep accepting his invitations to attend fancy White House dinners.  Obama's hypocritical, evasive ass was just saved for another week on this issue by the hecklers at the September 22 GOP debate -- so much so one wonders if they were plants.

Has anyone identified the booers by the way?  If they were tea party organizers the media would have sought them out and interviewed them.  But it didn't seek them out and identify them.  Is that because they might have turned out to have Democratic connections?  Remember when a couple of years ago some rocks were thrown through windows of Democratic Party campaign offices and after a day of blaming the tea party it turned out the people who did it were all Democrats.

I do think Herman Cain, Ron Paul, Gary Johnson or even Jon Huntsman would have helped themselves if they had denounced the two or three louts who booed the gay soldier then and there. But how come if Barack Obama is the president of all America and the commander in chief of this soldier it took him 10 days to say something about it, and then only to score political points speaking at the national dinner of a gay lobby, the Human Rights Campaign. By then Gary Johnson had already denounced the hecklers.
Obama needed this as a talking point at the HRC dinner because even there, among Obama zombies and flaks, he was going to be pressed on his gay marriage flip-flopping.  And he does not want to spend political capital on this issue, as it would prevent him from "evolving" America to a socialist tyranny and a third world debtor nation.


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