Sunday, October 2, 2011

**JP** Rabbani Was Killed By US, Afghan Proxies

Posted: Sat, 01 Oct 2011

A Pakistani probe finds Afghan warlords, allies of American spy
agency, involved in eliminating Rabbani who challenged their combined
supremacy in Afghanistan.

KABUL, Afghanistan—Intelligence assessments by Pakistani experts
conclude that former Afghan president Burhanuddin Rabbani was not
killed by Afghan Taliban but by Afghan warlords working in concert
with US intelligence.

Mr. Rabbani had become too close to Pashtuns and critical of the US
mess in his country in the months and days preceding his murder.

He was advocating a new Kabul government including the Afghan Taliban
and was working on this goal with President Hamid Karzai. He had
improved ties with Pakistan and addressed Pakistanis for the first
time in a decade in January through a TV interview. He spoke in Urdu
as a special gesture to Pakistanis.

Several ruthless Afghan warlords backed by CIA and Pentagon were upset
by Mr. Rabbani's Higher Peace Council. India is closely connected to
the warlords and shared their suspicion about Mr. Rabbani's

The warlords, US military and CIA are natural allies since they
quietly oppose Obama's withdrawal plans from Afghanistan. They also
agree on isolating the Pashtuns and disrupting Islamabad's natural
ties with its northeastern neighbor and are keen to invite India as a
permanent US military proxy in the country after a US pullout. The US
military and intelligence communities are not happy with President
Obama's plan to withdraw from Afghanistan. This is especially true for
CIA, which has its largest base of operations in the world in
Afghanistan, close to Iran, Pakistan, China and Russia.

Removing Mr. Rabbani from the scene has helped Afghan warlords end
prospects of peace with Afghan Taliban. The murder has also enabled
Pentagon and CIA to put pressure on White House to scrap plans to
withdraw. Moreover, Pentagon and CIA almost succeeded in pushing US
into a war with Pakistan as way of escaping accountability on Afghan
failures. A conflict with Islamabad would have helped Pentagon and CIA
dodge tough defense budget cuts back home, and delay US pullback

Ironically, Pakistani government and military are reluctant to
publicly accuse Washington and its Afghan allies of murdering Mr.
Rabbani, though Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar came close when she
accused CIA and US military of maintaining links to terrorists in

One reason why Pakistan is unable to highlight its case on Mr. Rabbani
internationally is the weakness of Pakistan's state-run and private
media. The state-run media is a bureaucratic behemoth wedded to old
journalism ways. And the private media is largely ineffective outside
the country.

[Also read, Should Pakistan Accuse Pentagon And CIA Of Rabbani Murder]

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*Shahzad Shameem*

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