Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Some thoughts.

The talking heads on all sides are now telling us what we want to hear
in the upcoming elections and pointing out and denigrating those that
do not comply with their appointed political guidelines. (Perry
comment on the traitorous actions of Bernanke)

What a crock !

What I want to hear is a candidate that has principals that has at
least a modicum of honesty and will help return the US to a smaller,
constitutionally compliant smaller Government; One that recognizes the
true Sovereignty of the several states.

Let's start with the Federal watering down of the States and what made
them so special.
Each was founded by different segments of society with different
manners, morals and ideals. They gathered in clumps like that and
immigrated to specific areas of the nation in order to live freely in
a like minded community with its own laws geared to those ideals. The
idea of the Federal government and those that find one state was/is
somehow different, better or worse than another was and is to kill
those differences.

Now that is really tough, Rhode Island is all about business and Iowa
is all about corn; not only are there differences but for each to do
what it does best there must be differences in all aspects of life and
accepted practices. The Feds and those elected seem to think that this
is just not so.

The founders knew it had to be so.

To point this out and name the names that think otherwise is no longer
considered good politics. It is considered to be anti-American as if
there is a single definition as to what an American is….there is not.
In all the history of the USA the ONLY time that the states seem to
agree on everything is when a single threat from outside affects them
all. This was true until the US decided to enter into foreign wars on
a regular basis. Now that which once made the USA strong and a beacon
to the world is considered unpatriotic and un-American.

What we will soon have is "one law, one nation, one force" that will
preclude any state Sovereignty. What we will have is a lack of
competition between the states for commerce and ideas; what we will
have is just another homogeneous country that loses its edge as it
slips into a socialistic quagmire.

What we are doing is losing that very identity that made the USA the
great and desired example it once was.

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