Sunday, July 17, 2011

Re: Enough to make you throw up

good morning Keith,
Sounds like quite the adventure you are on.  Please note that not everyone who is liberal thinks that conservatives are dumb, stupid or misinformed.  It is this thinking on both sides of the isle that has brought much contention and dysfunctionality with the government as we know it today.  I believe that the media like to stretch it one way or another so that they sell their schmootz to their listeners and followers-it sales.  There has to be a balance somewhere and there has to be willingness on both sides to engage in a meaningful discourse.  The biggest hindrance between the parties in doing this (my opinion) is that we are too ideologically ingrained now and march to the beat of the ideological drumb.  It makes me very sad to read the posts here where people are cursed at and categorized as retards simply because of a difference of opinion.  We have shifted to a whole level in a decremental fashion where discourse is near meaningless and the exchange of ideas is minimal at best  because their is hardly any meaningful discussion or explanation as to why people think as they do.  We are all adults and do not need to call one another retarded because we do not think alike-let the 8 year-olds on the playground do that.  I will never underestimate the intelligence of a conservative-Karl Rove was brilliant getting Bush to the White House and that said-anyone who thinks that some of these elected officials are not intelligent-are shortsighted in their perspective-for these not so smart elected officials are setting policy (whether we agree with it or not) which is why it is imperative to have mixed parties controlling the Senate, HOR and Executive offices.  No matter what  party is in power, we as citizens can only hope that the best decisions are made (often not the case) and if we are not happy-we need to vote their bottoms out of office and begin anew.  However, that is not so easy since we have the lowest if not one of the lowest election turnouts in all the world.  I have seen things here in this country that if it were anywhere else, citizens in Europe would be in the streets marching in protest.  But we don't.  All we want is what media will feed us- hollywood, professional sports, etc, our mere existence and our gadgets.  If politicians said tomorrow, they planned to ban all internet access and a seizure of all smart phones was to occur-you might get a rise from the average citizen.  But we have become complacent and that is due to ignorance, lack of education about what is happening in the world and Washington, and the blind trust that those who are elected will make choices that are best for this country and this is a dangerous place to be no matter what party you support.
On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 5:13 AM, Keith In Köln <> wrote:
Thanks for sharing this article Dick.  I rarely if ever read the NYT Magazine, (even though I have it bookmarked on my Homepage here on my laptop);  I would not have seen this article had you not posted it.
Kerry has always struck me as the proverbial, "Plastic Politician",  much like John Edwards affected me,  (and there have been a number of Republican politicians that I can also put into this same category).
I am here in Fulda,  getting ready to go to "Observation Post Alpha";  placed at the Fulda Gap in Geisha,  which during the Cold War, was where "We"  believed that the Soviets would enter if they did in fact choose to attack Western Europe.  There are still remnants of the old German Democratic Republik border, and during my last few days here in Germany, I wanted to see it.  The point being, is that I had a few minutes to read the article and comment before I have to check out of the Hotel.
I was watching Bill Mahr on Piers WhuzHisName,  (the guy who replaced Larry King on CNN)  sometime this morning, (CNN International)  and the writer for the NYT, as well as Kerry,  reminds me of that arrogant "Bill Mahr~Clueless, Far Left Liberal"  mindset.  Mahr literally thinks that all individuals who have conservative viewpoints are dumb and stupid, yet, when you hear Mahr quote, "Facts",  none are accurate or even remotely close to the truth.
I have seen Kerry do the same thing,  on the floor of the Senate. 
That same perspective resounds the the Obama Administration.Note all of the promises that have been made,  "Closing Guantanamo" to,giving reassurances to Afghani Warlords of United States Troop involvement at least through 2014,  and  as Kerry put it, "A foreign policy of, 'Engagement' ". 
The NYT's writer never challenges any of these hoaxes,  and reports them as factual, accurate and truthful.  The far left extremists also believe this to be an accurate description of what has transpired, just as they believe that raising taxes on less than one percent of the populace, those who are most responsible for creating jobs in this Nation,  and by blaming tax breaks for corporate jets for the entire $14.3 trillion deficit,  will justify the continuous outrageous socialistic style spending spree by the Obama Administration,  all the while, the goal is to continue to rile up the increasingly large number of people who get checks from the government.
And folks like Studio,  Steve,  Moe SugarShack and others keep marching down that same path to Utopia.....Thinking that all conservatives are ill informed and dumb....

On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 10:38 AM, dick thompson <> wrote:
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