Saturday, July 23, 2011

Anders Behring Breivik - Right Wing Politics Attacked by Left Wing Brainwashing ?

Anders Behring Breivik is an exceptional instance. The gathered
details concerning his political beliefs, affinities, activities, show
no indications of irrationality, lack of logic, disordered thought
processes, or even psychopathology. There must be some cracks in his
personality, that may yet surface as details come forward, but in the
information currently available there is nothing that would indicate
that he could do what he has been charged with and alleged to have
done. That he has committed the violent acts he is suspected of is
likely true. That is not what the biggest question is. His profile
causes us to ask why. He was a model instance, almost a pardigm
instance, of a European who has well thought out, intellectually
solid, right wing political beliefs, nationalism and beliefs against
multiculturalism. These were not irrational, emotional, outbursts, but
a long held, solid, rational political position as to what he thought
right for Norway and Europe with indications of some right wing
idealism. He was anti nazi, anti neo nazi. He did have contentions
against Norway's governing Labor Party which is part of the "red-green
coalition", and is very left wing, socialist in its ideology. It is
also pro multiculturalism, not against multiculturalism. Socialist
governments, despite their holding to policies of "transparency,
openness" and so forth, tend to be, almost without exception, somewhat
forceful as to their platforms and policies. They do seek popular
belief in those platforms and policies and socialists can be highly
manipulative on that issue. (We have seen it in other instances of
socialist governments.) How does this then relate to Breivik ?

The theory that Anders Behring Breivik, was being pushed to change his
political viewpoints & beliefs, & reacted to that undue pressure,
gains credence from indications he had a grudge against the governing
labor party & its multiculturalism policies in Norway. Norway may have
broken him, in its attempts to change his mind from right to left.
Left wing "brain washing" is strongly suspected. Or another group
using "brain washing" tactics for effect, to discredit the European
political right wing. The latter would indicate a level of
sophistication not previously clearly seen in that political arena, in
any similar context.

During the Cold War I was taught how what I will loosely term "brain
washing" methods, work, particularly in reference to totalistic
societies but also within espionage, in situations of ideological
conflict. It is a psychologically brutal system and I was shown how it
can, particularly if misused with intent to produce instances of
ideological conversion, can result in not only desired conversion
reactions against the ideological and affinity relations someone is
being programmed away from, but in some instances of very strong,
solid, core beliefs, can result in equally strong reactions against
whatever group appears to be the source of the attempted conversion of
beliefs and affinities.

Clearly Breivik was a long term member of the political right wing. He
started in his youth and had not deviated since then. If the push away
from, for example, right wing beliefs attacks what is pat of the
"personality core" aggressively enough, and the core is particularly
strong and solid, the reaction can become directed at whatever is
perceived as the source of the attack on the core personality. Less
likely to happen where beliefs are more superficial, "interests"
rather than deeply internalized beliefs. Breivik himself believed his
beliefs were more than "interests" adding weight to the theory that he
was broken by what amounts to being the Norwegian governing left, or a
group capable of similar manipulation pretending to be the Norwegian
governing left, Labor Party. This is insufficient to lead to a
definite conclusion as to placing blame on the Norwegian government,
as to having attempted to "brain wash" Breivik. Let me explain why.

In espionage this is referred to as an instance of "signature", where
"signature" is what is characteristic of a group or ideology, but can
be "forged" by another group for manipulative purposes. Forged
signature can never be entirely excluded in instances of "brain
washing". There were instances during the Cold War, of "forged
signature" attempts at ideological conversion. Attempts that were made
to look like they were coming from Washington, when in fact they were
not, but were designed to attempt to convert to anti-Americanism by
making it appear that U.S. operatives were on the offensive and the
source for attacks. The purpose in those instances was to convert the
target against the United States anti Soviet Cold War position. So,
although there appear to be indications of a Norwegian governing Labor
Party "signature" on what appears to be attempted conversion of Anders
Behring Breivik away from his right wing, anti multiculturalism,
nationalist views, we cannot conclude from that indication that that
'signature" was in fact the Norwegian government, as it could be
"forced" by another group wanting to set up Breivik to target the
Labor Party and Norway's government. We have insufficient background
detail to determine that with any certainty.

So we have a problem of unprecedented proportions at the worst
possible moment in our western history. We have a man, who is a model
instance of the political right wing, an anti Nazi, Christian,
conservative, anti multiculturalist, allegedly "Zionist", who has
strong views concerning muslims and Islam, among other similar right
wing positions, charged with terrorism, likely to be charged with more
than 95 deaths and large number of injuries, in Norway. It threatens
to discredit right wing politics in Europe exactly at a time when that
political stance is of immense significance in determining how the
western world, particularly Europe, will evolve towards its political
future. It may even determine Europe's survival in terms of its
cultural and ideological heritage, into that future. A very crucial
problem for European, in fact for western, Judeo Christian originated,
politics, now and into the immediate future. An event that if
misinterpreted, or misunderstood, could damage Europe and the west

Bob Ezergailis

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