Saturday, June 4, 2011

Congratulations, We Have Been Set Up For A Royal Screwing.

Congratulations, We Have Been Set Up For A Royal Screwing.

Off With Their Heads


  • Umm, This is a Berry Berry bad idea..  Steve

Imagine you live in a Red State. Tennessee is a good example. We can call Tennessee a "dead red cat state." The voters of Tennessee would vote for a dead red cat before they would vote for Obama. Yet, all of Tennessee's votes could go to Barack Obama.

Voter fraud? No something much worse.

The worse is a proposal gathering steam, sponsored by some Republicans called the National Popular Vote. The National Popular Vote is a stealth way to repeal the Electoral College that our founding fathers gave us.

As most people probably know, every four years in November, we go to the polls but we do not vote for President. Instead we vote for the electors that go to the meeting of the Electoral College and that is the official vote for President. Since the electors are committed to a particular candidate, the end result is never a surprise.

Under the NPV, the states sign an agreement that says whichever candidate gets the most votes nationally, gets the electoral votes from that state. For example, you could live in Tennessee, where 60% of the population is going to vote for a Republican. Even Mitt Romney could carry 60% in Tennessee. Yet if Barack Obama has more votes nationally, all of Tennessee's 11 electoral votes would go to Barack Obama.

Under the NPV a candidate does not even have to take a majority of the popular vote, only be the largest vote getter.

When the founding fathers established the Electoral College, they set up a brilliant system. The Electoral College requires that candidates have a broad appeal. Candidates cannot simply restrict their campaign to a few densely populated areas and ignore the rest of the country. Even small states play a crucial role in the elections when we have the Electoral College. Many of those who push the NPV point to the 2000 election, which is one of three times in our country's history where a candidate won more popular votes but lost the Electoral College. Had Al Gore paid attention to his alleged home state of Tennessee, he would have become the 43rd President. Had he won Tennessee, Florida's votes would not have mattered.

When you eliminate the Electoral College you basically wipe out the state lines. This is nothing less than an assault on federalism. Eliminating the Electoral College changes the American states from state to more like administrative departments of the national government.

Technically, this is not abolishing the Electoral College. It is simply gaming the results.

Currently, the NPV has passed in eight states.

When you are undecided about an idea, you can often gauge its merit by looking who supports it. The National Popular Vote is endorsed by a multitude of liberal newspapers. If liberals think something is a good idea, it probably is not. The Advisory Board consists of liberal Democrats and moderate Republicans. There is not a single conservative on that list.

The National Popular vote is tailor made for a billionaire to run a campaign in a few large metropolitan areas, collecting a plurality of the vote and is suddenly President. This is not a popular vote as it could allow a candidate with support in only two or three small but densely populated areas to run and win. They can pander to New York corridor, Los Angeles/San Francisco area and Chicago, pretty much ignore rest of the country. The left likes to call the heartland of America, "fly over country." If the National Popular Vote becomes law, fly over country will not just be that. It will be irrelevant to the politics of choosing an American President. Most of the Red States of America will not be part of a Republic. We will simply be ruled.

~Steve~        Formally from The USA.

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