Tuesday, April 26, 2011

UPDATE!!! Wonder if the NAACP has seen this Video of Obama being called a “N*gger,” “Coon,” and “MotherF*cker”?(

UPDATE!!! Wonder if the NAACP has seen this Video of Obama being called a "N*gger," "Coon," and "MotherF*cker"?(

Just got an update to a story I posted entitled: "Wonder if the NAACP has seen this Video of Obama being called a "N*gger," "Coon," and "MotherF*cker"? The video showed a gathering of NAACP and like-minded folk using vulgar language and it was aimed at President Obama.

This hate-fest was put together by the NAACP's very own Rev. Curtis Gatewood. The original video was removed from YouTube but a reader of this blog sent me an email with an update.


David Stein reports, via CounterContempt:

Like a great many viewers, I watched MSNBC hack Martin Bashir's recent interview with Andrew Breitbart with a mixture of derision and disbelief. Bashir seemed hell-bent on portraying Breitbart as a "racist," and, lacking any…uh, what's the word for that stuff that proves other stuff…oh, right – "evidence," he engaged in a guilt-by-association attack that would have been hilarious had Bashir not been so deadly serious. Breitbart has expressed his admiration for Rush Limbaugh, who recently did an impression of the president of China. This, somehow, makes Breitbart "racist." A GOP nonentity in Orange County who Breitbart has no connection to or relationship with recently emailed some friends a stupid, photoshopped image of President Obama, and somehow Breitbart is responsible for the conduct of a human being whose existence on this earth was very likely completely unknown to him.

Watching Bashir struggle so mightily, and with such little success, to find a way to tar Breitbart as a racist, I was reminded of the fact that the "mainstream" media (MSM) has yet to cover a particular, ongoing story in which evidence of racism (real, tangible evidence, of the kind that you get when someone is actually, you know, a RACIST) has been uncovered at the venerable NAACP.

The MSM certainly considers the NAACP to be an important organization. I'd wager that the members of the MSM hold the NAACP in much higher regard than they do Breitbart (yes, I know that's an easy bet, but I've never been much of a gambler).

If it's so terribly, terribly important to "expose" the fact that Breitbart likes a radio host who once did a funny Chinese accent, why is it not equally important to confront the NAACP regarding the racist, anti-Semitic statements and actions of one of its high-ranking officials?

I first covered the words and deeds of Reverend Curtis Gatewood, the 2nd vice president of the NAACP's North Carolina Conference of Branches (he was also an official organizer of last year's AFL-CIO/NAACP "One Nation Working Together" rally), back in August 2010. I meticulously cataloged all of his statements attacking Jews, Israel, immigrants, black people with whom he disagrees, and America in general. It's too long a list to recap here, so I recommend visiting the original story (pack a lunch; it's not a quick read). Much of my exposé involved Reverend Gatewood's work as co-founder and co-organizer of the "Black is Back Coalition," a group founded on the principles of violent revolution, anti-Semitism, and support for the Taliban, al-Qaeda, Hamas, and all of America and Israel's foes.

I revealed fairly shocking video from the coalition's November 2009 rally in Washington DC, and, predictably (another safe wager), the footage (and the Gatewood story in general) was ignored by the MSM (even though the footage showed participants at the rally repeatedly calling Obama the "n word" and a "coon"). The NAACP also steadfastly refused to comment on the story (not for lack of trying on my part).

When the coalition held another rally in November 2010, and more unpleasant footage surfaced (this time, the footage showed the Black is Back Coalition leader making thinly-veiled threats against Obama), I was, at first, tempted to simply write another article about it, send it around the conservative blogoshpere, and watch once again as the MSM and the NAACP turn their collective, customary blind eye.

Speaking of the conservative blogosphere, there is one type of story that is such a staple of conservative blogsites, it might as well have its own category on standard WordPress templates. It's the "if a conservative said that, the left would be in an uproar" story. We all know the drill: A liberal (politician, journalist, author, activist, actor) says something (racist, bigoted, unintentionally stupid), the MSM doesn't cover it, and we sit back trading blog posts about how hypocritical the MSM is. "Harumph…if a CONSERVATIVE had said that, the press would be all over it."

It's a legitimate angle for a blog post, but damn, it gets tiring repeating the same point, again and again.

So when I saw the footage of the November 2010 Black is Back rally, I thought I'd have a little fun with it. I decided to see exactly how the NAACP would react if they read the words that were spoken at the rally without knowing that it was a far-left event that their own guy co-organized. How would the NAACP react if they were sent a transcript of the remarks under the guise that the event was a Tea Party rally?

Continue reading and see what the response was when David contacted the NAACP>>>

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