Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Re: Wringing-the-Neck of Empty Ritual.


I am well aware of your previous claims as to why you ordered YOUR New Constitution as you did. I simply wanted to point out to those
300-plus million people who you deem to be less intellectual than yourself how ludicrous such a construction is.

On 04/05/2011 11:56 AM, NoEinstein wrote:
Jonathan:  I've answered that same question numbers of times. Obviously, you've not read very far back in my thread.  The logical reason for the order of my New Constitution is because I used the original constitution as the model.  My first step was to transcribe the Constitution into my computer.  I did this in the days before there was big cut and paste.  Only by transcribing the Constitution, one key stroke at a time, does one come to realize how crudely written the Constitution actually is.  Except for the (after-thought) Bill of Rights, there is very little other than an organizational structure in the majority of the Constitution.  Wherever possible, I 'fluffed out' the document in those locations where the "subject heading" was there.  That's why Article III is so much longer.  Anyone wishing to find out about the Judiciary can still locate that in Article III. And anyone wishing to see if their rights are still there can look for the clarified and expanded Bill of Rights and Amendments.  I invite the readers to look at what I've written one sentence at a time.  The citizens—as individuals, not as 'puppet' members of biased groups—will have incredibly more power, and more civil liberties!  When the size of government goes DOWN, civil liberties go UP!  — J. A. Armistead — Patriot 
On Apr 4, 1:30 pm, Jonathan Ashley <> wrote: 
John,  I have a simple question that even someone with your incredibly superior intelligence <g> should be able to answer.  How is it YOUR New Constitution has a "1st Amendment" when it has yet to be viewed in its entirety, let alone ratified?  On 04/04/2011 10:19 AM, NoEinstein wrote:  
Folks:  A blushing, almost-kid-like Glenn Beck was on Bill O'Reilly's TV program this week.  It was discussed whether The Donald's ideas for dealing with our economic woes make him a viable candidate for President.  O'Reilly said, "Yes."   But Beck said he would prefer a candidate who "just speaks the truth" (rather than one who has an actual PLAN that works).  As a regular laugher (mostly) at Glenn Beck's e4 shows, his blackboards and shuffling of photos to incriminate people have gotten old fast.  His memorable shows are now about one per month, where they used to be about one out of three.  In essence, he has run out of material.  His having �oh-isn't-that-sweat� shows like Mike Huckabee isn't improving the chances the USA will survive.  Nor is Beck�s delusion that our present broke, broke government can be fixed if only the voters can be told... "the truth".  Beck is going on faith that towns (like in Ohio) can be saved and countries, too, if only the good people in his viewing audience can get the word... 
At Fox News only two people stand out as selling the conservative route to salvation for the USA: Stu Varney and Andrew Napolitano. Sean Hannity continues to shoot-himself-in-the-foot by having Bob Beckel, the socialist, Obama-loving traitor as his regular guest. "Bob is a good friend," Hannity says.  Anyone having Beckel as a friend isn't fit to have air time in this country.  My New Constitution says: 
"1st Amendment:  No law shall be made regarding the establishment of peaceable religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, but government, its campaigns, processes, slogans, and disbursements shall be secular.  No law nor private or civil action shall abridge: the freedom of speech; ***the freedom of a fair and pro-democracy press or other medium; the right of People to peaceably assemble; and the right of any Citizen or group to petition government or any of its branches or departments for redress of grievances.  Citizens so petitioning government shall receive appropriate, relevant, timely, comprehensive, helpful and just responses from proper authorities who have thoroughly read, understood, and addressed each salient aspect of the grievances or requests for directions or clarifications.  Failure to so respond to a rightful petition for redress of a grievance shall, on a single provable instance, terminate the apt one�s employment, especially those in management or public office�including judges and justices�who ignore, frustrate or give the run-around to any competent Citizen who has been diligent in having a grievance properly addressed, or in having his or her civil rights fully upheld.  No judge or justice shall presume that by performing the above required duties, that they in any way might be compromising their objectivity or fairness in court; justice be not �blind�, but well informed.  Freedom of the press or other medium mandates that there be reasonable truthfulness in reporting.  Wanton distortion of the truth, or deliberate omission of the truth�except in cases of obvious fiction or satire�is prohibited.  Stating or implying that a particular news medium has a collective voice (we) or position on any issue is prohibited, as for example via: anonymous editorials; regularly occurring accompanying comments; commentary programs financed by, or ideologically screened by, the same news medium; editorials named as being authored by management; editorial comments by others that are in any way ideologically censored, omitted or screened; or by comments occurring at specific times or designated locations that most would come to associate with the management of such medium, even if such are innocuous.  No medium shall be a forum for promoting the ideology of its management or owners, nor shall they employ anyone who uses such job to hawk their personal political preferences�at risk of loss of license or closure of the business.  Flagrantly editing news to promote the ideology of management is a felony.  No medium shall analyze, assess, summarize, or make subjective judgments about any pending election or referendum.  Nor shall they invite others outside of the media to do so.  But factual, thorough coverage of the candidates or referenda issues�on an as occurs basis�is allowed, provided there are no comments, nor actions, as above, and provided the same unbiased coverage is given to all of the candidates or to all of the referenda issues.  It shall be a 10 year felony to repress truthful news reporting in any medium by threatening legal action.  No medium can be sued for libel for presenting material authored by others, but if a person is harmed by the medium�s content, they shall be allowed to reply�without editing�in that medium.  Each medium shall respond to breaking news without considering the response of any other medium.  Injuries due to improper news coverage or non coverage shall not be excused by the media response.  A medium reporting on government shall do so thoroughly, objectively, and with detachment� being neither laudatory nor critical by form, and not repressing thoughtful dissent nor its coverage.  Every medium shall favor the truth over supposition, without parity nor bias.  False or deceptive commercial advertising is prohibited.  Deliberate use by any candidate, their staffs or election committees, of false or deceptive campaign speeches, slogans, advertisements, humor, or innuendo is a felony.  No organization, nor part of the media, nor any special interest group(s) shall in any way endorse a slate of candidates for public office; flagrant violation is a felony.  No medium shall display active public records without the free consent of the apt parties." 
"The freedom of a fair and pro democracy press..." means that NO person hired by the media�as consultants, commentators or otherwise� shall be allowed air time or print space to promote socialist or communist ideals without that medium forfeiting their license.  Folks, "FAIR AND BALANCED" is pushing the USA to the brink of destruction! Unless and until FOX News begins talking about saving the USA rather than playing-up our many conflicts, for monetary (Jewish) gain, they aren't worthy of any "conservative" acclaim.  Britt Hume and Chris Wallace, et. al are hurting the USA with every liberal word they speak.  O'Reilly�on conversational rudeness alone (interrupting and wrongly summarizing what the guest wishes to say)�should be fired, immediately.  Apparently, if rudeness gets... viewers, FOX is in favor of it. 
I invite any of the readers to state views about FOX that might be positive.  For me, the corporate culture, there, is neutralizing most potentially helpful aspects. 
Respectfully submitted, 
� John A. Armistead �  Patriot 
AKA NoEinstein on Google's sci.physics 
Those who might be interested are invited to read my book: "The Shortest Distance; Harmony Through Prosperity."  Such is available at Amazon and B&  N. 
On Apr 1, 2:29 pm, NoEinstein<>  wrote: 
Talk, alone, can�t save the US economy and social order. 
This week Glenn Beck compared Judaism and Islam.  He�s right that Jews are less harsh in dealing with �prohibited� activities than Muslims. But, apparently, Beck hasn�t considered the �hidden dangers� posed by the Jews in Israel that hurt the chances the world can avoid humanity- threatening conflicts.  To wit:  Following WWII, and the admittedly terrible Holocaust, Jews were a race without a nation.  Over the ages Jews had had legitimate claim to much of the Holy Land.  But that land had since ceded to those of the Muslim faith.  By force of armed conflict, Jews confiscated the land of Muslims without fair compensation.  Though they had the �nation� they so desired, it was a nation obtained by immoral acts, including murder, covetousness and grand theft.  In �celebration� of the new nation of Israel, the USA formed an alliance to protect Israel from armed aggression.  Isn�t it ironic that our country had not considered it� �worthy� to come to the aid of those Muslims driven from the Holy Land? 
Because the US regularly sides with Jewish crooks and uses our military might to neutralize those who are only seeking justice, the USA has become a despised nation.  Our capitalist successes have made us look like crooks in those realms, too.  Thousands of Americans have died and are dying in the wars being fought.  And perhaps millions of Americans, and that many more of our allies, are now living in fear of terrorism�  Such would NOT be the case if Jews hadn�t felt �entitled� to be crooks because of the Holocaust.  True to form, Jews take every opportunity for selfish gain, without considering the morality of their actions. 
Muslims deserve to be treated fairly.  Understandably, the nation of Israel is an affront to the moral sensibilities of Muslims.  My book, �The Shortest Distance; Harmony Through Prosperity�, touts how FAIR capitalist successes�evenly spread throughout all the peoples of the world�can foster world peace, harmony and prosperity.  Such successes can be more profound than ever experienced by the vast majority of Muslims.  *** As I 


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