Thursday, February 10, 2011

If One Dislikes American Traditions, Clearly They Dislike the Nation as Well

If One Dislikes American Traditions, Clearly They Dislike the Nation as Well

by Snidely Whiplash

Snidely Whiplash

The level of vehemence progressives express implies not only do they really dislike the political opposition, but it sounds as if they dislike America itself as well and damned near as much as they dislike conservatives. I base this conclusion entirely upon the words and things leftist's complain about and demand we change to suit them.

My article yesterday was trying to express that very theme - that when we hear the typical leftist denigrations it is easy to confuse who they are more mad at...conservatives or the nation which conservatives want to keep largely as it has always been. I have reached the conclusion progressives dislike this nation every bit as much as they dislike conservatives.

Progressives are all about "progressing" which as I debunked the other day, is actually regressive. To wish this nation to become a mirror image of social democracies of Europe is a regression from the constitutional republic the Untied States was founded as and has always been. Social democracy is a step backward from the design the Framer's devised, but back to my point.

The typical denigrations of the left do in fact call into question nearly every single manner of business the US has traditionally employed. Progressives seem to hate traditional American foreign policy. Based on their words they seem to not like the Pledge of Allegiance. They rail on ad infinitum against capitalism. They often denigrate the huge majority of American's who are Christians for being God-fearing. They largely consider private enterprise as being evil and in dire need of change. The left as often as not expresses dislike for America as Founded - what else can one conclude in their repeated denigrations of the Constitution?

Continue reading Snidely's article>>>

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