Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wringing-the-Neck of Empty Ritual.

The recent 'State of the Union Address' highlights why "saving our
government" in its present form is counterproductive. Hundreds of
dolled-out men and women in Congress—by their attendance at the address
—paid homage to that squatting dictator, Indonesian, socialist-
communist Barack Obama. Though the group was supposedly mixed-up
(They are "that", too.), people stood on command to have the Anti-
Christ, Obama, be greeted like a rock star. He found willing hands to
shake along the 'aisle', that was somehow populated by his most doting
supporters. From appearances, alone, Obama seemed like an entering
hero, rather than THE most corrupt and hurtful-to-America person in
the entire history of this country!

Our should-be-cherished American Flag, in that House Chamber, was
desecrated by having Barack Obama stand in front of it—like he does at
every public appearance that he makes. The wrong public perception is
that elected officials, fraudulent Presidents, and our corrupt
government are synonymous with the USA. But nothing could be further
from the truth! The USA is "We, the People", NOT they, the
controlling government!

"The federal government shall not be considered to be synonymous with
the USA, and those therein are not a ruling class nor are they
dictators; rather they are the servants of the USA and shall be
answerable to it and to any law-abiding Citizen or Citizens thereof."

"The American Flag shall be red, white, and readily discernable blue.
Only when the President or Secretary of State are addressing the
nation or appearing before or receiving foreign dignitaries shall the
American Flag, bunting, or flag-color drapes be used as a backdrop.
No other public official nor candidate shall use such. Flags shall
not be displayed in or outside of government buildings other than:
public schools, post offices, military bases, memorials, the White
House, the Pentagon, and outside of the Capital or other government

NOTE: The 'State of the Union Address' is an address of Congress that
just happens to be televised to the People. A televised address to
the nation, from the Oval Office, of Barack Obama giving-himself-up to
authorities for TREASON, would be an acceptable use of the Flag.

It is a cardinal, and I think, capital offense to allow justices of
the Supreme Court to attend any government events that have them
socializing with anyone from the opposing branches of government.

"Judges and justices shall be selected for their intellect, high moral
character, compassion, knowledge of the law, likable nature, and for
their proficiency and expediency in office. Such shall not be aloft
nor considered infallible in all their judgments, yet shall be
respected if they right injustices quickly. They shall make decisions
based on apt laws and this New Constitution—never on their personal
ideologies. Every two years an unbiased review panel shall apprise
the Citizens of the job performance grade, as herein, of seated judges
and justices. With the assent of 60% of the voters nationwide, the
latter can be unseated. Judges and justices aren't royalty, nor do
they have an implied moral judgment inherently superior to public
macro-consensus. They shall not be chambered lavishly, sit in throne-
like chairs, wear robes on the job, nor dress in a style that
differentiates them from the People. They shall not socialize with,
nor privately be in conference with, members of the Executive or
Legislative branches of government; nor shall they attend State of the
Union Addresses or similar events. The Public shall not stand for
entering or exiting judges or justices who shall be addressed only as:
judge or justice. Judges and justices not respecting such provisions,
or who exhibit excessive arrogance or pomposity on the job shall be

As most should know, those elected to the office of President shall be
required to take the following oath: "I solemnly affirm that I will
faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and
will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the
(New) Constitution of the United States." Prior to his questionable
"election" as President, Barack Obama had made strong anti-
constitution statements, decrying the fact that the Constitution
LIMITED the powers of Congress, rather than giving more power to
Congress. Here is what I wrote about how Obama got… "elected". Chief
Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., failed to protect the USA from a
Manchurian Candidate when he—tantamount to treason, himself—accepted
the BOTCHED Oath of Office, thus confirming Barack Obama, the Anti-
Christ, as "President".


Tradition Reigns Supreme: Democracy Denied.

Our elite media must surely be thrilled by the turnout to witness the
inauguration of this country's 44th President, Barack Hussein Obama.
The happy and sometimes tearful throng was amazing. That sea of warm
bodies which assembled on the Washington Mall 1/20/2009 has a long
traditional—much like the pressing crowds which go to New York's Times
Square to be a part of the New Year's Eve celebration. On such cold
days, both events tend to defy logic. But for the media, the
inaugural turnout was like a vote-of-confidence for their job well
done in getting Obama elected.

Strictly by chance, I watched the CBS News coverage of the
inauguration. I was determined NOT to watch CNN, which is largely
responsible for Obama's 'win'. Cutesy, cutesy Katie Couric, and Bob
Schieffer, were in awe of the elite Washington insiders who filed
through the West Portal of the Capital toward the best seats. Those
'important' people are the ones responsible for our country's woes. I
don't think they should be praised as celebrities.

During the campaign both news moderators were clearly biased for
Obama. Couric's interview of Governor Sarah Palin, last year, in
which Couric tried to pin down Palin regarding her sources of
information on foreign affairs, was motivated as much by partisan bias
as by informational necessity. Such questioning, also, showed a lack
of good conversational etiquette, which one would expect from a media
celebrity—like Couric hopes she can be, but keeps coming up short of
ever actually being. Couric sees herself as the next Barbara Walters
in waiting. Barbara has been an excellent interviewer of the rich,
famous and notorious. She was as gushy in her awe of Obama in her
endorsements on the 'View' as she was for that other married Black
politician with whom she admits having had an affair. Black men
definitely have a long history with the ladies.

Bob Schieffer was a prominent celebrity at the 2008 Democratic
Convention. He got to sit close to the podium. His being a news
moderator, who was clearly biased for a particular candidate, should
have gotten him fired. But his choice for President, Barack Obama,
happened to match the dollars-and-cents choice of media bosses. One
frequent guest on 'Larry King Live', Minnesota's former Governor Jesse
Ventura is outspoken, politically. A year or so ago Ventura got a job
to moderate a TV show. But when he mentioned that he would be running
for public office himself, his job disappeared. Strange... very
strange. If moderators are biased toward Democrats that's fine. But
if a moderator wishes to be biased toward his own commitment to try to
correct our nation's problems, such individuality is suppressed by the
media. I can empathize with Ventura on that, because the media has
similarly suppressed my New Constitution, which solves the fatal
problems in our government, AND in the news media. From the media's
point of view, if our problems ever get solved, the media won't have
very much to talk about.

The majority of those who traveled to Washington to be a part of...
history were Blacks. If the inauguration had been a celebration of
Blacks' final triumph over discrimination and bigotry, such would have
been a wonderful event. But those Black Block voters for Obama—who
formed his core constituency during the campaign—were blinded to
realize, or even to care, that Obama was a man without principles who
would 'win' by hook-or-by-crook. Most people know that Blacks are
more willing to look-the-other-way to crime than are whites. Obama's
election to become President was akin to having corrupt officials make
bad calls in the Super Bowl in order to win. Such a 'win' should be
cause for shame, NOT celebration!

Economic disparity between Blacks and whites should be important
discrimination talking points. But isn't it strange that Blacks can
find the money necessary to travel to the inauguration, and to
purchase the smiling pictures of Barack Obama on plates, coins and
every other manner of rip-off, but Blacks can't find the money needed
to carry-their-own-weight without looking to Washington for handouts?

Obama actually increased Blacks' economic hardship when he milked
them, and others in need, of the money necessary to let him BUY his
way into the White House. The millions of people who contributed to
Obama's campaign are going to feel entitled to payback. But when
Obama can't deliver on his promises of economic betterment, there will
be a lot of unhappy campers on the Washington Mall. The best thing
Obama could have done as the President Elect would have been to call-
off the wasteful inaugural celebration, entirely, so he can get right
to work. But Obama knows from experience that the pockets of the
disadvantaged are deep for extravagance, when the false political
promises are as high as his have been.

I listened for, but couldn't isolate, any words in Obama's inaugural
address worthy of being chiseled in stone. But I did hear Obama say:
"Our challenges may be new. The instruments with which we meet them
may be new. But the values upon which our success depends—hard work
and honesty, courage and fair play, tolerance and curiosity, loyalty
and patriotism—those things are old." Obama ACCENTED the word
"...old" and looked perturbed saying it.

My New Constitution stresses FAIR PLAY and democracy. I've also
stressed individual patriotism (over the mass-minded deferral of
authority to others). With hard honest work most American's won't
need to look to government at all. So, understandably, Obama looks
down on those type things. His rise to power is grounded in having a
majority of people be unwilling to carry their own weight without
assistance. Socialism is Obama's watchword.

If fair play, which is in the SPIRIT of our Constitution, and
especially so in our Bill of Rights, had been more prominent in our
nation's history, there wouldn't have been a need for Martin Luther
King, Jr. to "...have a dream." That dream would already be a
reality. And if fair play was rightly important, there wouldn't be a
US Senate; political parties; lobbyists; the electoral college system;
nor would there be discrimination of any kind, because such isn't
fair. Fair Play requires that people "Love thy neighbor as thyself."
Those two things could almost be made a one-sentence constitution:
***Love thy neighbor as thyself and be fair in all of your dealings
with others.*** Or… "Do unto others as you would have them do unto

Recently, I asked Rush Limbaugh and others to consider whether or not
Fair Play, democracy and self-rule are at the heart and soul of our
nation's founding, and if such constitute the SPIRIT of our
Constitution. If the answer was... "no", then I have wasted 13 years
of my life writing my New Constitution of the United States of
America. But if the answer is "yes", then Barack Obama is unqualified
to become President.

Regarding the latter: Obama was condescending to Hillary Clinton by
repeatedly saying that she was doing well... for a woman. Obama
talked about his inevitable victory, while the race for the Democratic
nomination for President was still going on. He never demanded that
the media give Clinton equal time and fair treatment. He embraced the
decisions of the unconstitutional Democratic Party Rules and Bylaws
Committee over the rules of democracy itself. He benefited unfairly
from the disparity of voter information and influence between the
earlier and latter primary voters. [The earlier voters have more
power, because he used his leads in those primaries to stampede voters
to his side. But his later-revealed character flaws, like being a
member of Jeremiah Wright's congregation; looking down on Bible
readers with their... guns; and being two-faced about NAFTA never were
issues known to the early primary voters.]

Obama favored undemocratic "delegate counts" (and the electoral
college system) over the democratic, easy-to-determine, popular vote.
He sees no problem with having his supporters being involved in the
registration of new voters pledged to him. He has no problem doing
business with bombers and crooks. He thinks it is perfectly OK to
give and get bribes in exchange for political favors. And Obama wants
to preserve the status quo of party rule and corruption in Washington
for at least four more years.

The USA could well be mortally wounded because Chief Justice John G.
Roberts, Jr.—the new-kid-on-the-block—favors 'tradition' and
corruption in Washington over democracy, fair play, and the rule of
the People. Roberts administered a largely BOTCHED Oath of Office to
Barack Hussein Obama, knowing full well that he was betraying the
SPIRIT of the Constitution. When Roberts came through that West
Portal of the Capital, he was smiling. He twisted and turned to speak
to the "important" people already assembled. Apparently, Washington's
Pomp and Circumstances, amid so many lovely limestone buildings and
monuments—with their ubiquitous flags, and with all of the ubiquitous
politicians eager to be photographed or interviewed in front of such—
was just too seductive an environment for Roberts to resist being
corrupted by.

I've already revealed the major precepts of my New Constitution. My
long efforts are a direct affront to the status quo, corrupt
institutions of government, the media, and education. Those three
share blame for this country's decline. But hopefully, my having hit
metal-to-flint has sparked new fires of patriotism. Like I've said,
it will only take one honest man, or woman, with the public's ear, to
turn America around. And People, "Uncle Sam needs... YOU!"

On several occasions during the 2008 presidential campaign, Governor
Sarah Palin repeated my words when she said: "Government isn't the
SOLUTION; government is the PROBLEM!" When enough Americans come to
realize that simple fact, then, there will be New Hope for this

There was LOVE in my heart for the American People while I wrote the
New Constitution. That means: People of all races, colors and
creeds! If and when right things can start being done, MOST Americans
will benefit! And a new harmony will prevail throughout this Great

My New Constitution—which is poised and polished—can FIX our broken
government! To start to learn how that will be accomplished, skim my
many posts for more premises of, and excerpts from, my 'New
Constitution of the United States of America'!

Respectfully Submitted,

John A. Armistead, Patriot
AKA — NoEinstein — on Google's sci.physics

Note: Those who are interested are invited to read my recently
published book, "The Shortest Distance; Harmony Through Prosperity"
available at Amazon and B. & N.


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