Thursday, January 20, 2011

Message from the Creator of Defeat Liberals.

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Subject: [Defeat_Liberals] Message from the Creator of Defeat Liberals.


Hello. For those who do not know me, my name is Will James Hicken. I created this group in my father's office nearly 7 years ago. I was a young pup then, barely the age of 16. I never thought at that time this group would grow to become this big, with more than 73,000 posts, 487 members from all over the world, and also winning the Best of Yahoo!'s election 2008 for being the most conservative group. Which a huge accomplishment. I am always amazed when I think of this group. I know many people have never heard of Yahoo! groups. And yet we still survive. I want to thank the moderators for helping (and more than just helping) this group. I know it would not be where it is without them. Thank you each and everyone one of you. To the members I wish to thank you as well. There is a battle out side of your homes. A battle of how to run a government. I am young. Only 23, attending full time at a jr. College in the state of Utah, working part time at the school building the set for school plays. I have seen very little and yet I've seen a lot. I lived in Guatemala for 2 years. I saw full blown corruption in the government there. I saw poverty that would rock your minds. Where people ate the dead dogs from off of the roads. I've seen presidential contenders dropping money out of a helicopter for votes. I have seen this, but I say I have seen very little because my life is still unraveling. I know more will come. Sadly it will. I don't believe that President Obama is out to destroy this country. I don't and cannot believe this. He is not lowering our defense, shutting down our armies and navy forces. He is not shutting off everything and allowing us to defend our homes with pitchforks. However I believe he is doing it all wrong. His viewpoint is wrong. Making our (your, my future children) children work to pay off our debts. We cannot spend our way out of debt. I can see what he's doing. But it's been mismanaged. This is what happens when you get an unexperienced man in office. This is not my change. Here very soon, people are going to start, as they have already, gearing up the next election. People are going to start announce they are going to run for the President of the United States of America. I ask and plead with you. Please get involved. America is a great country. We do not need to see it get destroyed little by little. Please lets not pick he "lesser of two evils" but the person that will take our country to victory!! This is important for us all, past, present, and future. Learn about the people, then make the choice to follow him. Local leaders are so important. If you have a good, wholesome view of how your area should be lead or conducted, then run for that office. I plan on it someday.
Once again. Thank you for being a member of this group. I am so happy and proud of each and everyone of you. If anyone wants to talk to me more, you can find me on Facebook. Thank you again.

Will James Hicken
Owner/your servant

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"Any 20 year-old who isn't a liberal doesn't have a heart, and any 40 year-old who isn't a conservative doesn't have a brain." Winston Churchill


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