Friday, December 17, 2010

Re: Un-American Republican Obstruction: The Senate GOP's bore on Christmas

Christ is a Conservative

Some on the Left have suggested that Jesus is a Liberal.  The basic logic of their Progressive assertion is that Socialist wealth redistribution fulfills Christ's admonition to take care of the poor.


We have been directed by God to "love thy neighbour as thyself!"   So why have Liberals directed our government to take over this role instead of doing it themselves?  Jesus did not direct his people to "Ask Rome to do it for you!"


Christ told us to take care of the poor.  Christ did not tell us to have our government, its politicians, and its bureaucrats take care of the poor.  My recollection is that Christ did not think highly of the government, the religious leaders, the politicians, the tax collectors, and the bureaucrats of his day.


Efforts to sanitize and legitimize the evils of Socialism by suggesting that Socialism is the answer to Christ's admonition that we take care of the poor should greatly offend Christians and people of all faiths.


Would Christ approve of the Left trying to keep whole classes of people on welfare, poor, uneducated, and without hope?  Keeping people enslaved in dependency on politicians does not show compassion.  It is an evil crime against humanity.


It has been suggested that Christ's directive to the young rich ruler to divest his property and follow Christ [as a disciple] somehow shows Christ to be a Socialist.  My understanding of Christ's disciples is that they left their jobs, property, and even their families in order to dedicate themselves fully to Christ.  Being a disciple was a 24-7 job.  If the young rich man had property, the property would require his time and thought and divert his attention from Christ and His teachings.


Allowing our government to confiscate money and property for redistribution does not equate with charitable giving.  It does not relate even remotely to Christ's instructions to the young rich ruler whom He invited to be his disciple.  Christ directed the young ruler to give his money to the poor.  Christ did not say he should give it to the Roman government for redistribution.

Rome cared little for the poor.  Our current government cares little for the poor.  Our poor are of value to Liberal politicians only when they can vote and when they can be used as human shields to advance the consolidation of Liberal political power.


Members of our Congress and our President should carefully note the admonition by Christ regarding the difficulty of a rich man [presumably also a rich woman] getting into Heaven.  As members of Congress confiscate [steal], redistribute, and spend trillions of dollars each year to buy votes, they might want to consider divesting themselves of the control of much of this money.


It seems lying and the bearing of false witness are also observed in our Congress, in our White House, and on the political Left.  We have recently seen an increase in the activities of several on the Left in our government to aid and abet greed, envy, and covetous behavior.  This has caused many to demand the property of others.  Such helps us to better understand why many in our government oppose the display of the Ten Commandments.


It is the job of our government to protect people from the harm of others.  The rich should not oppress the poor.  The poor should not oppress the rich.  Our government should not oppress, use, or abuse either the rich or the poor


I do not recall Christ equating paying taxes with giving a donation or caring for the poor.  I do not recall that tax collectors were looked upon as good people in the Bible.  The last time I checked, taxes in the United States were not voluntary.


Our Founding Fathers wisely realized federal government oversight would politicize our government and harm those for whom the government would pretend to provide.  Much of what our government spends money on has nothing to do with charity.  Welfare has become a means of enslaving people in a dependency on politicians rather than helping them to achieve and to prosper.


All welfare programs should be returned to local communities with the oversight of the individual states.  This will remove much temptation to do evil from Washington, and many souls might be saved.


Are we to think Christ is behind the efforts of the Left to ban prayer and religion in our schools, our government, and other areas of the public square?  Are we to think Christ is pushing to have crosses removed from public view, "Under God" from our Pledge of Allegiance, and "In God We Trust" from our money?


What about global warming and climate change?  Is God in control of the weather or is man?  Would God provide us with massive amounts of fossil fuels if He did not intend for us to use these resources?  Over the past 130 years, humans have used less than 5% of all the oil reserves currently known to exist.  God has given us and enormous amount of natural resources.


Where should we think Christ comes down on abortion?  Christ thought children were very important.  Christ also showed us that the care of the mentally and physically disabled, like Terri Schiavo, and the elderly is also important.


Are we to think Christ believes in Darwinian Evolution?  He would not support the Darwinian eugenics employed by the Nazis.


What about the killing of tens of millions of the poor by using falsified "scientific" data to conveniently ban DDT?  Did not God tell us in Genesis to subdue the Earth and to make it a better place for man and beast?  Eliminating malaria, dengue, polio, small pox, and other dreaded diseases is certain a worthy effort in subduing the Earth.  DDT was on its way to eliminating malaria and dengue, when the Left stopped the efforts.


Did God direct us to subdue the Earth or to leave everything as we found it?  It seems to me God's directive to us is to work hard to make the Earth better than we found it.  Genesis 1:26-28 is worth reading.


I do not think Christ would be happy with those who allow millions of acres of our beautiful forests to burn each year because some on the Far Left think humans should not be allowed to manage and care for our nation's property.  What of the tens of millions of animals that are killed and injured each year in forest fires?


Christ did not evict the moneychangers from the Temple because he was a Socialist who opposed Capitalist moneychangers.  The Temple problem was not the economic activity or the merchandise.  The problem was that the economic activity was taking place in the Temple itself, a sacred place not intended to be a marketplace.  As Christ said, "Take these things hence; make not my Father's house an house of merchandise."  The priests of the Temple were probably not happy with this as they presumably received a sizeable portion of the money earned.


The leaders of the Temple hated Christ because He threatened their power and wealth.  The current hatred of Conservatives and Christ by Socialists is because Conservatives challenge the power and money of the Left.


There is no indication that Christ loved, prayed for, or blessed Satan. Satan is not my neighbor.  Satan should not be your neighbor.


Satan is in another category beyond enemy.  I believe some people of Evil are also in that same category.  These people would include terrorists who purposely kill innocent civilians.  Persons such as Stalin, Hitler, Saddam Hussein, and others who enthusiastically kill and torture others would also be in this group. Our job is not to judge the hearts of such persons but to kill and incarcerate them and let God sort out the final judgment issues


The obligation of our government is to protect us.  It is not up to our government to reward and support one politically correct class at the expense of the politically incorrect people who work hard and achieve much.


Poverty hurts everyone, especially the poor.  As such, is not the willful destruction of our prosperity by our Socialist government at best a crime against humanity and at worst an evil and treasonous act?  I do not think Christ would approve of the current efforts of our government to willfully destroy jobs, close down companies, and massively increase poverty both at home and abroad.


The Left Continues to Link Christ to Liberal Issues.


Barack Obama has tried to characterize Christ's Sermon on the Mount as an endorsement of homosexuality and same-sex unions.  However, there is no mention of homosexuality in the Sermon on the Mount.


Some have suggested that since the food that resulted from Christ's blessing of the five barley loaves and two fish was given without cost, this somehow shows that Christ was a Socialist.

One can miss the fact that the miracle of feeding the five thousand was the primary message of this Scripture.  One can also miss the fact that one or more people worked to produce and provide the five barley loaves and the two fish.  The boy freely gave the loaves and the fish to Christ.  A Roman tax collector did not take the loaves and fish.  Roman politicians and bureaucrats did not give the loaves and fish to Christ for redistribution.  It was entirely a Free Market happening.


This was an example of people producing goods that were freely donated.  No Roman politicians benefited from the transaction.


Conservatives cleaned up the area after the meal and documented their cleanup efforts in Scripture.  Liberals would most likely have left a mess on the ground.


The Ten Commandments are unquestionably Conservative.  The simple proof is the continued Liberal attack on the Ten Commandments and the Judeo-Christian foundations of our nation.

"Lazy hands bring poverty, but hard-working hands bring riches."  Proverbs 10:4

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