Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Five Anti-Choice Candidates to Fear

Christine O'Donnell R-DE, Rand Paul R-KY, Joe Miller R-AK, Sharron
"SHARIA" Angle R-NV, Ken Buck R-Colorado, Carl Paladino, R-NY

The Five Anti-Choice Candidates to Fear
by Brittany Shoot September 29, 2010 09:30 AM (PT) Topics:
Reproductive Rights, Women's Health Share2027454 Views We know most
Republican candidates are blatantly against women's rights to govern
their own bodies, but several of this year's Senate candidates — most
of whom are more closely affiliated with the Tea Party than with
mainstream Republicanism — have taken the anti-choice rhetoric to a
new level, arguing that abortion should never be allowed, no
exceptions. Five Republican Senate nominees (so far) have come out in
favor of abortion restrictions even in the case of rape and incest.

Mostly recently, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow offered an eloquent wrap-up of
the five scariest anti-choice candidates in this year's race. If you
don't have cable or watch Maddow online, here's the run-down.

1. Christine O'Donnell from Delaware doesn't believe in abortion at
any stage, for any reason. This is also the woman who thinks that
being gay is an identity disorder and that no one should masturbate.
In O'Donnell's world, no one's rights, no matter how private, are
off-limits for trampling.

2. Rand Paul from Kentucky, seemingly without irony, opposes federal
assistance or promotion of abortions. Apparently, he's in favor of the
government getting into your business — as long as it's to keep you
from terminating an unwanted pregnancy. He also thinks states should
be allowed to pass their own specific abortion laws. He not only
opposes abortion in the case of rape, incest, and if the woman's
health is at risk; he supports a Human Life Amendment to the
Constitution and the Life at Conception Act.

3. Joe Miller of Alaska believes it is the government's responsibility
to protect life "from the moment of conception to the time of natural
death." It's unclear where he stands on the death penalty since that
wouldn't exactly count as a natural death, but it is clear that Miller
thinks unemployment benefits are unconstitutional. Not exactly a
friend of poor women, eh?

4. Sharron Angle of Nevada has already been covered here because of
her belief that "God has a plan" for rape and incest survivors to
carry their abusers' babies. I wonder what a vengeful god would look
like to a woman like Angle.

5. Ken Buck of Colorado at least (theoretically) makes a women's
health abortion stance exception, though one has to wonder how rape
and incest don't qualify as a women's health issue. This is especially
perplexing as he also supports Colorado's Amendment 62, which would
not only grant personhood rights to fertilized eggs, ban abortion
statewide, and possibly outlaw emergency contraception; it would also
make it illegal for cancer patients to receive life-saving

treatment if it puts their embryos in jeopardy.

With only a few weeks until the election, it's worrisome that so many
have gotten behind this type of intolerant anti-woman rhetoric.
Unfortunately, Tea Party fever isn't restricted to state elections.
Any obnoxiously anti-choice candidates running in your district for
other offices? The more we know, the more we can combat the wave of
anti-choice candidates this November.

Photo Credit: DaveFayram

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