Thursday, July 29, 2010

Fwd: zionism and libertarianism

Thanks for writing this.

Anti-zionists, like most commentators on public affairs, domestic and international, are usually concrete-bound and unable to imagine the alternatives that would exist if the current state of affairs was changed slightly, unable to think in Bastiat's terms of "what is seen and what is not seen."

Among my own tribe (libertarians) I often have to point out to someone regurgitating a mainstream media pro-Palestinian line that even if Theodor Herzl had read Murray Rothbard and was a purist libertarian, and Israel's Jewish population had increased ONLY (and not just mainly) by free immigration and by Jews only leasing or buying land from Arabs, with no eminent domain, no spoils of war, no violence that drove any Arabs away, Israel would still exist and her neighbors would still have genocidal intentions towards her.

And further, for the more recherche, if Israel were not even a "state," but were a heavily Jewish territory where people -- Jews, Israeli Arabs, whoever -- hired market based defense firms (a la the "anarchocapitalism" popularized by Rothbard and made famous in Nozick's "Anarchy, State and Utopia"), Molsem tyrants would still use the existence of such a free and Jewish area (a kind of modern, civilized version of stateless, rural Afghanistan) as a scapegoat to explain their failure to deliver prosperity and a better life to their own Arab serfs.  And the market based defense firms would have to have blockades and respond to terrorist rockets in ways very similar to the way the State of Israel responds.

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