Thursday, July 8, 2010

Applications for concealed-gun permits from Utah hit record levels


Applications for concealed-gun permits from Utah hit record levels

By Reuters
Tuesday, July 6, 2010; A04

Never shot a gun? Never been to Utah? You could still qualify for a concealed-gun permit from the state.

The Beehive State is experiencing record demand for permits from across the United States, particularly with the rise of the "tea party" movement, which advocates small government and individual rights. The move has also been spurred by fears that President Obama will seek to enact national gun control.

Utah makes it easy to get a concealed-weapons permit, which is valid in 32 other states and lasts five years.

Today, more out-of-state residents than state residents have Utah permits, and out-of-state instructors outnumber those from Utah.

Applicants must clear a background check, be 21, take a course and pay a $65.25 fee. Last year, 74,000 people applied for the permit.

The program alarms gun-control groups such as the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.

"It's a state where they don't seem to care about the consequences that may arise from some of the permits they're issuing," spokesman Peter Hamm said.

Officials with the Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification said they are overwhelmed.

"The only people making money off it are the instructors," said Lt. Doug Anderson, manager of the concealed-firearms program.

Not all states are happy with Utah's plan. New Mexico and Nevada have revoked recognition of Utah's licenses in recent months because that state does not require applicants to train with a handgun or even fire one.



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