Sunday, June 27, 2010

What should a free man do?


What should a free man do?

Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong. That is your oath.


·         Primasheet

The items and material here can be used to manufacture Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) a/o Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Devices (VBIED). While not suspicious in and of themselves, the presence of several of them in one location or by one person a/o small group of persons not apparently involved in legitimate laboratory work of some sort may be considered suspicious and should be reported to the police ASAP.

18 March 2008

Well, then ~ make your own watch list

Yes, it is the mandate of the federal government to protect us.  But, and I hate to be pedantic, it is not the responsibility of any government to protect you.  That is a matter of settled law, not opinion.  This story should remind us that we're all in this together.  We all have to be on the same team.

So, in terms of your own self-protection and that of those you love, that means you have a bear to cross.  Yea... I know.

How many Air Marshals are on any flight you may take?  Probably none, like it says here, given manpower at FAMS juxtaposed 'gainst the number of planes flying any given day.  How many off-duty cops a/o agents who're packing heat on any flight?  Few.  How many armed 'citizens' per flight?  I'd guess that's a goose-egg.

So, if miscreants are trying to get another plane, and they most certainly are as evidenced here then you'd better have a plan in case one slips through the crack, eh?  Read the whole thing; Annie's done a lot of hard work here.

Here's your watch-list, unerschrocken.  Pay attention or this is all you'll get from me, you knuckleheads.

At the airport, no matter where you are between the front curb and the ramp to the plane, stay away from glass walls and trash cans as much as possible.  Trash cans go boom.  Right after that boom, glass walls turn into shrapnel.

Who are you looking for?  Yes, looking for.  Proactively.

Men a/o women, maybe Middle-eastern in appearance. That can be a good start to your list of suspicious things, but don't assume people who appear to be from the Middle East are the only ones who can/would pull the pin on you.  They may appear to be Indonesian.  Or Filipino.  Or Caucasian.  Or Black.  Or Hispanic.  There's really no way to tell in advance who's zoomin' who.  So you're going to have to be paying attention to what they're doing.

At the curb, does someone seem to be extra careful with a particular bag?  Like maybe he's got to be the only one touching it?  Like maybe he doesn't want it to goBOOM right there or its contents discovered too soon?

My thoughts: If you see someone in the airport put a bag down and begin to walk away from it, ask loudly, loud enough so there is no way he can't hear you: Hey, is this yours? If he ignores you and keeps walking away… trouble?  Could be. Maybe he's deaf.  So, maybe you want to go tap him on the shoulder and ask again.  If he turns back to you but keeps walking away without answering you or returning to the bag… trouble?  Uh-huh; that would be my guess.  Move away from the abandoned bag quickly, calmly and quietly letting others in the area know there's a suspicious thingy over there (point to it) and then call security or the cops on a land-line phone.  Don't run up or down the concourse screaming, OH MY GOD, IT'S A BOMB, A BOMB, A BOMB I TELL YA.  RUN FOR YOUR LIVES.

Just don't.

At the ticket counter, do you somehow hear or see someone with a one-way ticket paid for with cash?  I'm not saying at all that you should poke your nose into someone's bag or business ~ you should not.  But you may spot something within the parameters of the plain view doctrine.  Is there another person in the line next to you with the same setup; making it two bad guys?  Listen to the ticket clerks before you get to the counter; you may hear a/o see something then that, put together with things you hear a/o see later, may indicate trouble.

On the way to the security check-in, do you see someone who seems hesitant to get in line for the x-ray/search? Do you see someone making last-minute, furtive adjustments to things in luggage, carry-on or stowed?

Do you see people together who seem to disperse and behave as though they're nottogether and don't know each other the closer they get to the plane?  Since 9/11/01 terrorists have done dry runs on flights using as many as 14 men. See Annie Jacobsen's great work at The Aviation Nation if you think I'm yankin' your chain.  As if...

At the check-in counter/boarding area:  Do you see men a/o women who sit apart from each other but look at one another repeatedly as though they know one another a/o appear to be giving signals of some sort, back and forth?

Do you see passenger(s), male a/o female, who appear focused on something other than their surroundings, as though they're deep in thought.  They may seem hesitant to be near other people waiting in the area lest they be engaged in dialogue.  They want to concentrate on their mission and their role in it.  They're rehearsing in their minds what they're about to do and don't want to be disturbed by you or anyone else.

They may seem unusually well-groomed and overly-perfumed for just a quick business jump.  Perhaps ritual hygiene ~ getting ready to meet their maker, intending to take you along for the ride.

They may turn away from roving security and police patrols, hiding their face; or get up and move from their seat if they see a police K9 team, because they're concerned explosives might be sniffed out by the dogs.

Is a woman who appears to be very pregnant moving in a way that suggests she doesn't care about the child she's bearing?  Does she bump her bump against the seat or pull the seatbelt tooooo tight?  Given x-ray machines and searches, that scenario may be statistically improbable but you never know, but perhaps this will turn the lights on for you.

If you use the lavatory and notice something broken such as a seam between the wall and the mirror, or ceiling tiles that appear out of place, damaged, cut, punctured; report it to crew immediately.  Not when you get around to it.  Now. If you see something affixed to the wall or counter that doesn't match the décor or just doesn't look like it belongs, report it immediately.

Are there men a/o women who in quick succession get up and go to the lavatory, forming a line at one particular lavatory though several may be unoccupied?  Are any of those people carrying items into the lavatory?  Does anyone in that line cut in front of someone else? Could be a dry-run or an actual attack ~ putting a bomb together in the john.

Let's say you're sitting there trying to figure out which in-flight music to listen to and you see some guys across the way putting Vaseline or lotion on their necks, arms, and hands; trying to keep the stuff off the palms of their hands.  What's up? You may be watching a very detailed dry-run, or, as we used to say in the Army: the balloon is going up ~ a hi-jacking attempt is about to take place.  They're putting lubricants on their necks, arms and the backs of their hands so when you try to grab them, they can slip away. But they want to be able to grab and hold weapons so they may apply the lubricant with a tissue to keep their palms dry.

So, everything's going fine and Poof, suddenly you're taken over by terrorists.  You can sit there repeating in your head, Ruh-ro… we're all toast.  Or you can do something.

Pretty basic choices.  The paradigm changed, didn't it?  Used to be they'd grab a plane with a bunch of hostages and negotiate for something.  Nowadays, you can't be sure.

You should understand that you just might have to fight since your other choice will probably be to die in a fiery crash.  I don't know.  You decide.

Okay, who wants to duke it out with bad-guys on a plane?

Posted at 02:49 PM in Attacks | Permalink


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